Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pttls Unit 1
1. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities The key legal and regulatory requirements relating to my role as a teacher are:- †¢ Children Act (2004) – Every child matters †¢ Copyright, Designs & Patents Act (1988) †¢ Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) †¢ Equality Act (2010) †¢ Freedom of Information Act (2000) †¢ Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) †¢ Human Rights Act (1998) Protection of Children Act (1999) †¢ Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) There will be Codes of Practice, either generic or specific, that will need to be followed such as the Code of Professional Practice (2008) introduced by the Institute for Learning. 2. Explain own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity It is important that students are able to attend, and participate in their choice of course or learning event, for it to be accessible on equal ter ms.To support this ideal, I must adhere to the equal opportunity legislation in place, which ensures that learners are not discriminated against in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, pregnancy or maternity, religious or other belief, marriage, civil partnership or gender reassignment. Whilst this is an ideal situation we are not able to treat everyone exactly the same. It is important to understand the needs of learners so that we can give them the best experience in the learning environment.If I have a student who uses a wheelchair, then I must ensure that access to the learning venue is suitable and that any portable ramps etc are available. Where I have students that are from diverse cultural backgrounds I should encourage an environment where differing opinions are respected and prejudice or stereotyping are challenged. Where further support is required by a learner, it should be offered 3. Explain own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning First ly, I need to identify the needs of the organisation, individuals and me personally.I will ensure that any forms are easy to complete and cater for different languages or print size and are available in hard copy or electronically. I will need to make an initial assessment of the needs of learners and agree learning plans. I need to prepare a scheme of work to include session plans, learning materials to meet the needs of the syllabus and liaise with other interested parties. I will need to facilitate learning using a variety of approaches including formulating ground rules, record keeping, incorporating different teaching and learning materials and even knowing who and where the nominated first aider is.I will need to assess the learning, ensuring that the awarding body rules are met. I must ensure that relevant documentation is completed and kept safe and confidential. I will need to check the students lerning outcomes have been met and that they have gained the necessary skills a nd knowledge. I need to evaluate my teaching experience by obtaining feedback from others. I can obtain this from the student, awarding body and organisation I am working for.I will also evaluate my own work in order to make improvements to my teaching ability and the learning experience. 4. Explain own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of the learners I can identify the learners needs at the application stage, by interview, questionnaire, or at a student 1to1 session, or at the beginning of the session or programme. I must give clear guidance on the process and information to ensure the course meats their personal learning needs. Once I have the information this will help me with my planning.I need to ascertain the required learning support (help with ITC, numeracy, literacy), or student support (help with personal issues, general guidance or advice), and again use the information in my planning and course execution. 2. 1Explain the boundaries between t he teaching role and other professional roles It is important to understand where my role as a teacher ends and where I need to involve other professionals. These might include Heads of Dept, H&S officers, technicians, support workers or admin staff. Within the ACO I may need to refer to parents/guardians Wing, Region or Head Quarters specialists.I, for instance as a teacher am not qualified to repair a broken plug socket so I would refer to an electrician, similarly I am not a social worker therefore any issues that are of a personal nature (to the student)I would pass over to the relevant specialist rather than trying to deal with it myself, potentially causing more harm. 2. 2Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners It is possible that I will encounter students with a variety of degrees of needs so I need to remain impartial and sensitive to individual situations. I will not be able to deal with every situation that arises.I must be aware of where I can refer stud ents for help both within and externally to the organisation. Below is a table containing example points of referral. |INTERNAL |EXTERNAL | |accommodation officers |awarding organisations | |careers advisers |banks or building societies | |colleagues carers | |Counsellors |charities | |examination officers |childcare agencies | |financial services staff |Citizens Advice Bureau | |first-aiders |employers | |health and welfare officers |health centre. , slimming clubs, general | |information , advice and guidance staff |practitioners, hospitals | |interpreters |Job Centre Plus | |learning support staff |motoring and transport organisations | |mentors |police | |student support staff |telephone help-lines and agencies such as abuse, alcohol, bereavement support, | |student union representatives |Childline, Crimestoppers, debt, drug, lesbian and gay switchboard, gambling, | |teachers |NHS Direct , parentline, Samaritans, victim support | | |websites which are relevant | Table from ‘Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector’ by Ann Gravells – Pg 53 2. 3Summarise own responsibilities in relation to other professionals My main responsibility is to my students, however I need to be aware of the impact my actions will have on other groups or individuals. I will need to be conscious of how I work with other managers on site as well as my peers, with awarding bodies including internal and external verifiers & Ofsted inspectors and other external agencies. Within the Air Cadet Organisation (ACO). I will also have responsibilities with regard to parents/ guardians and other members of the ACO. I must remain professional and not exceed my role boundaries 3. Explain own responsibilities in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment It is imperative that the environment is safe. The room or area for teaching must be large enough to support the activities being undertaken and the number of people involved. A risk assessment s hould be carried out to highlight and eliminate (so far is practicable) any potential dangers. Consideration must be given to lighting, heating, ventilation and toilet facilities to ensure the comfort of learners and teaching staff. I must inform the group regarding procedures for housekeeping, and emergency evacuation. 3. 2Explain ways to promote appropriate behavior and respect othersI would establish with the group some ground rules both for the learners and myself to promote the appropriate safety, behaviour and respect of everyone. It is important that these rules are negotiated and agreed with the group. These rules can be reviewed and changed as the course progresses as needed. For the group – what they should expect from each other, things like courtesy, respecting others views etc. For myself – What the learners can expect from me. Some rules may be imposed – health and safety, no smoking, no anti-social behavior. Some more negotiable – standard of dress, break timings, turning off mobile phones. Reference Book Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector’ by Ann Gravells
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