Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Totalitarian Agriculture Essays - Population, The Story Of B
Extremist Agriculture The possibility of Totalitarian Agriculture is unnerving. Particularly considering the way that it is the specific sort of horticulture that is being utilized in each development aside from the staying inborn people groups of the world. I will attempt to characterize Totalitarian Agriculture here: ?As per a morals, trailed by each kind of animal inside the network of life, sharks just as sheep, Africanized honey bees just as butterflies, you may contend to the full degree of your capacities, however you may not chase down your rivals or obliterate their food or deny them access to food. At the end of the day, you may contend, yet you may not take up arms. This morals is disregarded at each point by experts of extremist agribusiness? (Story of B 260). I will allude to the clients of Totalitarian Agriculture as OUR way of life since we as a whole practice a similar kind of way of life concerning agribusiness. In this paper, I will introduce the contentions against Totalitarian Agriculture, and furthermore talk about its possible effect in the earth in years to come. Starting points of Totalitarian Agriculture People showed up on this planet a huge number of years prior and in the end framed into clans. They carried on with the life of tracker finders and thrived at it, despite the fact that not to our principles of populace blast, however they flourished regardless. The number of inhabitants in people consistently developed at a quiet rate, ?by and large, our populace was multiplying each nineteen thousand years. That is moderate - frigidly moderate? (The Story of B 288). At that point something occurred. In the locale of land between the Tigris and Euphrates waterways in what is currently antiquated Mesopotamia, and agrarian upset was begun bringing the act of Totalitarian Agriculture. The human populace began to develop at an exponential rate. This is the start of our way of life, 10,000 years back. Why authoritarian agribusiness? You got me. It is extremely difficult to thump Totalitarian Agriculture since it is the establishment of our way of life and the food of our lives. In the event that Totalitarian Agriculture were to vanish tomorrow, at that point our way of life would be demolished by starvation. This isn't so for the staying innate people groups of the world. They are completely well equipped for making due on their own only equivalent to people have been since there were people. Contemplating this further made me consider the explanations behind embracing this training. Our way of life works on attempting to develop and deliver food, locking it up, and afterward constraining individuals to pay to get it. before the agrarian upheaval 10,000 years back, people had been living effectively as tracker finders for a hundred thousand years, so approached myself what was the purpose behind this abrupt psyche change to the act of Totalitarian Agriculture? One answer is because of the tremendous measures of food surpluses that are made with authoritarian agribusiness. This is a piece of the response to the following purpose behind authoritarian agribusiness, which is force and development. The originators of extremist farming idea that their approach to live was the one right route for all people to live. These tremendous surpluses of food empowered this culture to venture into encompassing regions close to the Tigris and Euphrates streams, and use power to take the land from innate people groups. So now, the primary ages of our way of life putting food carefully guarded, could extend their domains and utilize the recently procured land for, prepare to have your mind blown. Additional cultivating and farming development! Astonishing how that functions right? Put food safely secured, use surpluses to help venture into encompassing regions, and convert it into farmland to build your way of life significantly further. This culture was extended to such an extent that it turned into the way of life that every one of us partook in today. The entirety of this equivalents development at an exponential rate. Why not authoritarian farming? Authoritarian farming is against the laws of nature. Without a doubt it isn't inside the laws of nature to chase down your rivals and pulverize them just as their entrance to food. The normal request of things in nature with regards to food rivalry is actually that: contend, yet don't take up arms. The very idea of authoritarian agribusiness is to have profitability as far as possible, which at that point produces food surpluses as far as possible. By one way or another we got the possibility that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cadbury The Worlds Second Largest Confectionery Company Marketing Essay
Cadbury The Worlds Second Largest Confectionery Company Marketing Essay Cadbury, which is the universes second biggest ice cream parlor organization, the second biggest biting gum organization, the third biggest soda pops organization, is likewise the main organization that has a chocolate, candy and gum items, is a main an enormous, developing, brand-drove industry. It has an incredible pieces of the pie and has numerous genuine customers, however it has additionally a various of contenders, for example, Altria Group, Nestle, Hershey, Ferrero, Unilever, etc. Cadbury Company produces advertises and conveys ice cream parlor (chocolate, sugar, desserts, biting gum, and so forth.) and drink items. To the contenders, Philippe Morris that is the universes biggest bundled food organizations. Settle is the universes biggest food maker, and Nestle is acclaimed for creating moment espresso and chocolate bars. As of now has for the neighborhood market and culture-rich items, for example, Chocolate and candy, filtered water, refreshments and dried milk. Hershey is the biggest chocolate and candy producer in the North America. Ferrero Group is the universes fourth biggest chocolate producer. Unilever Group is the universes second-biggest purchaser items producer. Unilever works the accompanying two significant item zones: food and family and individual consideration items. Along these lines, other than Cadbury, Philippe Morris, Nestle, Hershey, Ferrero additionally produce treats and chocolate and a few organizations scale is bigger than Cadbury. That it is an incredible threaten to Cadbury and they are the immediate contenders to Cadbury also. And all worldwide treats and chocolate endeavor assume an extraordinary job in the market fight in battle for business sectors. Contending highlights and upper hands Ventures partaking in advertise rivalry is established by righteousness of capital and its serious attributes of the undertaking (Piccolo, 2008). Organizations must make a contrast between rivals so as to get by in a strong situation in the market of furious rivalry (Regan, 2008). Be that as it may, any of the qualities or conditions isn't for eternity. In this way, we should keep on creating inventive serious highlights. In todays society, rivalry has following significant qualities: First, the development of the extent of rivalry, principally including: 1) the broadening of the principle rivalry. With the financial globalization, it will additionally advance the social division of work, prompting the broadening example of rivalry. 2) The globalization of nearby rivalry. Financial coordination and exchange advancement has diminished the nation or local restrictions of globalization towards the bearing of advancing rivalry. 3) Competition content assorted variety. Current rivalry not just remain in the opposition for the market and clients, and further stretched out to innovation, data, work force and even key accomplices, for example, staggered rivalry. Second, changes in rivalry mode, chiefly: 1) the point of contending has transformed from the piece of the pie to vie for client unwaveringness. With expanded rivalry force, piece of the pie is hard to support client reliability as rivalry objectives; 2) the center highlights of rivalry shifts from rivalry to process rivalry, some portion of the improvement of rivalry into the framework from the opposition; 3) the method of contending changes from seriously cost non-value rivalry. The conventional method of value rivalry is hard to adjust to these changes. Data innovation decreases client search and exchange costs, scaled down administrations, financial globalization, national contrasts in the costs of the viability of value rivalry; 4) the relationship is turning out to be participating and battles against one another. Just by setting up key unions with contenders to frame both the association among rivalry and collaboration, seek after win-win serious impacts, can just better addre ss client issues, powerful reaction to the serious condition, serious targets of endeavors. Third the advancement of rivalry implies. 1) Conversion from obvious to imperceptible. With the innovation and offices improving, the seriousness of endeavors movements to the utilization of present day data innovation, joining, utilitarian redesign, heading to improve proficiency of activity with data innovation. 2) Competition moved from a solitary rivalry to compound rivalry. The worldwide coordinations advertise, rivalry, the one of a kind method of rivalry implies is troublesome both to get and keep up upper hand and fulfill client needs for decent variety in complex, indicating an assortment of deals advancement and use, administrations, cost and advancement blend of the compound assortment of rivalry implies rivalry situation;3) Reliance from on the inward solidarity to both the inside qualities and outer assets. However, in the face a wide range of exchange hindrances and market get to limitations, organizations basically is hard to contend successfully with righteousness of its own assets, just a coordinated utilization of financial, mental, political and advertising among different elements, with the administration, affiliations, the media and general society, and so forth the development of interior qualities and outer powers cooperate to beat the market and wild rivalry to win. Under the new time of serious attributes, Cadbury likewise has its own serious highlights that is amazing blend, and alongside Kraft to make a market. Kraft and Cadbury joining has become the universes biggest ice cream parlor organization. Through the merger, it mirrors the reciprocal preferences them two. In the first place, Cadbury could assist Kraft with compensating for impeded in chocolate and biting gum items; Second, in some Kraft, there has not yet arrived at the developing markets, Cadbury has set up a moderately solid dispersion framework. Kraft propelled Cadbury now picking the planning of the procurement can likewise be said about right. From the point of view of the improvement to Cadbury, its current working conditions generally excellent, however restricted by organization size, advancement bottlenecks experienced. So by combining, Cadbury will have a more promising time to come. Another sort of item and its objective market In the wake of joining with KFT, another sort of item will be misused, this is pecan candy. To begin with, the fundamental crude material of pecan is nut, which is a nut organic product. It has numerous impacts. For instance, Walnut nutritious are plentiful in protein, fat, minerals and nutrients, fat containing tile corrosive and progressively dietary benefit, just as nutrients B and E, which could forestall cell maturing, improve memory and discharge maturing. Pecans additionally contain unique nutrient fixings, not exclusively didn't expand cholesterol, yet in addition lessen the intestinal assimilation of cholesterol for atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary illness human utilization. Pecans contain linolenic corrosive and calcium, phosphorus, iron, the bodys skin magnificence perfect operator, standard utilization of a benefit the skin, hair Ukraine, and have rashly white hair, and misfortune avoidance capacities. Pecans additionally contain many follow components required by the body, which are significant restrictive embellishments. At the point when you feel tired, bite more pecan, effortlessly weakness and stress. Along these lines, if through a unique procedure, nuts can be made the pecan sugar, that it not exclusively can assume the job of medicinal services items, yet additionally an expansive market. This is the pecan candy birth. Since pecan candy is another item to many individuals, so as to more readily advance their items, to discover more noteworthy and progressively broad market, decide the objective market is especially significant. Target showcase is the essential beginning stage of territorial promoting. Examination and handle the local showcasing framework, subsystem from its objective market started to take advertising or target promoting situating of reasoning. Deciding the objective market must be searching for both interest in the market and steady with its assets and points of interest of the objective market fragments. Clients need is to have the option to react to client prerequisites, and meet the clients wants and needs, and can see more remote than the clients, to discover and meet with clients and the solicitation, so the key is to address the issues of the client superior to contenders; incorporated showcasing is that the organization should serve clients in all areas premiums, all parts must be composed takeoff from the Customer Perspective; income ability alludes to ventures rely upon more than contenders to more readily address client issue to make a benefit. The primary standard of choosing objective market is that the market should request, if there is no genuine market request or potential interest, it can not be chosen as the objective market. Not for the organization to choose what conditions should it do, however as indicated by the social needs of the market to choose what to do. Second significant standard of choosing the objective market is that: to utilize their own current assets, stay away from shortcomings, searching for their qualities target advertise. Numerous undertakings concentrates just on advertise request, paying little heed to their condition broadening, it is hazardous. Third rule of choosing objective market is to focus on discover the edge of target markets. All in all, each organization has its own ownership of the innovation, assets and working conditions and it assume an alternate job in promoting framework. So the undertaking should treat showcase open door as a key factor in the advertising determination. However, to the outer venture, it is hard to track down such possibilities. Indeed, even as savage rivalry among peers, with the goal that advertise openings in specific segments lost or reduced open doors for effectiveness, we can not indiscriminately go outside the business to discover the objective market. In this way, the limit between the business and exchange office, there will be a vacuum, as a rule called the edge of market openings. Edge of market openings from one viewpoint some compa
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Eastern Long Lions vs. Yuen Long FC Match Report
Eastern Long Lions vs. Yuen Long FC Match Report Causeway Bay, Hong Kong â€" You don’t end up at a Hong Kong Premier League match by accident. There is no place to purchase match tickets online, and when you call the league’s ticketing office it comes back as a wrong number. Maybe you dialed it in wrong. To get to Hong Kong stadium requires a bus, two trips on the MTR, a cable car ride (more aptly named by the locals as a “ding ding†for its signature bells upon arrival at each stop), and a winding 15 minute walk that is often poorly lit. Even when you get to the stadium it isn’t immediately apparent that two professional soccer teams are about to square off on a brisk Wednesday evening. Because, while the floodlights beam down from the Wembley-inspired half domes onto a neatly trimmed football pitch, the 40,000 seat arena contains no more than 2,000 Premiership fanatics. Hong Kong Stadiums famous arches A look at the raucous crowd 15 minutes before kickoff The American sports experience I’d grown accustomed to is highly commercialized. It’s a multi-billion dollar a year industry, filled with commercials, sponsorships, and corporate suites. Even Silicon Valley has now taken a vested interest in developing technology that innovates both athletic performance and the fan experience. I could go on. Don’t get me wrong, I love American sports. I grew up on them, made some of my best friends through them, and have even strongly considered a career in the industry. I really do love and appreciate their contribution to American culture. But while there are plenty of diehard fans and goosebumps-raising moments to be found at home, there was something refreshing about this soccer match I had sought out in the middle of a busy night in Causeway Bay. Basic research turned up that players on the pitch had played in Brazil, Spain, Tukey, Iran, England, and many other far-off lands and lower level divisions of the soccer world. They were not there for the salary or the fame, clearly. Perhaps they were holding onto a dream; using sports as an outlet to see the world, or escaping problems back home. Regardless, in one way or another, all were there for the love of the beautiful game. The fans were no different. An enthusiastic supporters section consisted of roughly two dozen Long Lion’s faithful ranging from (again, roughly) ages 8 to 68. They chanted and belted out their team’s songs from pre-match to through the final whistle. Watching and participating with the supporters was almost as exciting as the match itself. Some of the two dozen or so loyal Long Lions supporters The Long Lions ended up pulling out a 3-2 barnburner of a match, and everyone made their way home happy that night. Personally, I had attended one of the best sporting events of my life. It was a unique, pure energy that I hadn’t yet experienced in professional sports. No matter where you go, games will sprout up to entertain and provide respite for fans and participants alike. I’ll be at the Kitchee SC match in Mong Kok this upcoming Wednesday. Talk soon. Steven Class of 2019 I’m from New Canaan, Connecticut. I'm studying Management Entrepreneurship in the Gies College of Business and Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Fourth Grade School Supplies List
In the fourth grade, students begin to establish a foundation for developing research skills, writing skills, and critical reading skills. The supplies listed here are typical of the tools students will use to learn fourth grade skills. As always, you should check with your teacher to determine the specific supplies youll need. No. 2 Pencils Students will go through many pencils and erasers in the fourth grade, so it is important to keep a full supply in the home.Eraser packs Dont be caught unprepared!Planner Time management skills are important for success in the fourth grade, as students often find homework assignments require a bit more organization and planning than ever before.Colored pocket folders Teachers often require separate folders for individual subjects.Binder In the fourth grade, subjects may be separated in a binder. Some teachers encourage students to keep time management aids in binders.Wide-ruled paper This type of paper is often required for essay assignments.Highlighters Students begin to use highlighters to mark important information on study sheets and notes.Red pens In the fourth grade, students may start to switch papers for grading. Red pens and pencils are used for grading other students assignments.Pencil box Its important to stay organized.Backpack Many schools require students to use clear backpacks.Pencil sharpener Youll need one for test day!Bookmarks Youll be reading more advanced books.Colored pencils Students begin to study geography in the fourth grade in much greater detail. Colored pencils will be used for maps and other projects.Ruler Students begin to work with graphs in the fourth grade. Geometry is also a subject students will explore in some depth.Flashcards Students begin to learn concepts in math such as order of operations. It is important for students to fully memorize multiplication tables.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Crystal Shard 26. Rights of Victory Free Essays
Wulfgar leaned back in his chair at the head of the main table in the hastily constructed Mead Hall, his foot tapping nervously at the long delays necessitated by the demands of proper tradition. He felt that his people should already be on the move, but it was the restoration of the traditional ceremonies and celebrations that had immediately separated, and placed him above, the tyrant Heafstaag in the eyes of the skeptical and ever-suspicious barbarians. Wulfgar, after all, had walked into their midst after a five year absence and challenged their long-standing king. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crystal Shard 26. Rights of Victory or any similar topic only for you Order Now One day later, he had won the crown, and the day after that, he had been coronated King Wulfgar of the Tribe of the Elk. And he was determined that his reign, short though he intended it to be, would not be marked by the threats and bullying tactics of his predecessor’s. He would ask the warriors of the assembled tribes to follow him into battle, not command them, for he knew that a barbarian warrior was a man driven almost exclusively by fierce pride. Stripped of their dignity, as Heafstaag had done by refusing to honor the sovereignty of each individual king, the tribesmen were no better in battle than ordinary men. Wulfgar knew that they would need to regain their proud edge if they were to have any chance at all against the wizard’s overwhelming numbers. Thus Hengorot, the Mead Hall, had been raised and the Challenge of the Song initiated for the first time in nearly five years. It was a short, happy time of good-natured competition between tribes who had been suffocated under Heafstaag’s unrelenting domination. The decision to raise the deerskin hall had been difficult for Wulfgar. Assuming that he still had time before Kessell’s army struck, he had weighed the benefits of regaining tradition against the pressing need of haste. He only hoped that in the frenzy of pre-battle preparations, Kessell would overlook the absence of the barbarian king, Heafstaag. If the wizard was at all sharp, it wasn’t likely. Now he waited quietly and patiently, watching the fires return to the eyes of the tribesmen. â€Å"Like old times?†Revjak asked, sitting next to him. â€Å"Good times,†Wulfgar responded. Satisfied, Revjak leaned back against the tent’s deerskin wall, granting the new chief the solitude he obviously desired. And Wulfgar resumed his wait, seeking the best moment to unveil his proposition. At the far end of the hall, an axe-throwing competition was beginning. Similar to the tactics Heafstaag and Beorg had used to seal a pact between the tribes at the last Hengorot, the challenge was to hurl an axe from as great a distance as possible and sink it deeply enough into a keg of mead to open a hole. The number of mugs that could be filled from the effort within a specified count determined the success of the throw. Wulfgar saw his chance. He leaped from his stool and demanded, by rights of being the host, the first throw. The man who had been selected to judge the challenge acknowledged Wulfgar’s right and invited him to come down to the first selected distance. â€Å"From here,†Wulfgar said, hoisting Aegis-fang to his shoulder. Murmurs of disbelief and excitement arose from all corners of the hall. The use of a warhammer in such a challenge was unprecedented, but none complained or cited rules. Every man who had heard the tales, but not witnessed firsthand the splitting of Heafstaag’s great axe, was anxious to see the weapon in action. A keg of mead was placed upon a stool at the back end of the hall. â€Å"Another behind it!†Wulfgar demanded. â€Å"And another behind that.†His concentration narrowed on the task at hand, and he didn’t take the time to sort out the whispers he heard all around him. The kegs were readied, and the crowd backed out of the young king’s line of sight. Wulfgar grasped Aegis-fang tightly in his hands and sucked in a great breath, holding it in to keep himself steady. The unbelieving onlookers watched in amazement as the new king exploded into movement, hurling the mighty hammer with a fluid motion and strength unmatched among their ranks. Aegis-fang tumbled, head over handle, the length of the long hall, blasting through the first keg, and then the second and beyond, taking out not only the three targets and their stools, but continuing on to tear a hole in the back of the Mead Hall. The closest warriors hurried to the opening to watch the remainder of its flight, but the hammer had disappeared into the night. They started out to retrieve it. But Wulfgar stopped them. He sprang onto the table, lifting his arms before him. â€Å"Hear me, warriors of the northern plains!†he cried. Their mouths already agape at the unprecedented feat, some fell to their knees when Aegis-fang suddenly reappeared in the young king’s hands. â€Å"I am Wulfgar, son of Beornegar and King of the Tribe of the Elk! Yet I speak to you now not as your king but as a kindred warrior, horrified at the dishonor Heafstaag tried to place upon us all!†Spurred on by the knowledge that he had gained their attention and respect, and by the confirmation that his assumptions of their true desires had not been in error, Wulfgar seized the moment. These people had cried out for deliverance from the tyrannical reign of the one-eyed king and, beaten almost to extinction in their last campaign and now about to fight beside goblins and giants, they longed for a hero to gain them back their lost pride. â€Å"I am the dragonslayer!†he continued. â€Å"And by right of victory I possess the treasures of Icingdeath.†Again the private conversations interrupted him, for the now unguarded treasure had become a subject for debate. Wulfgar let them continue their gossip for a long moment to heighten their interest in the dragon’s gold. When they finally quieted, he went on. â€Å"The tribes of the tundra do not fight in a common cause with goblins and giants!†he decreed to rousing shouts of approval. â€Å"We fight against them!†The crowd suddenly hushed. A guard rushed into the tent, but did not dare interrupt the new king. â€Å"I leave with the dawn for Ten-Towns,†Wulfgar stated. â€Å"I shall battle against the wizard Kessell and the foul horde he has pulled from the holes of The Spine of the World!†The crowd did not respond. They accepted the notion of battle against Kessell eagerly, but the thought of returning to Ten-Towns to help the people who had nearly destroyed them five years before had never occurred to them. But the guard now intervened. â€Å"I fear that your quest shall be in vain, young king,†he said. Wulfgar turned a distressed eye upon the man, guessing the news he bore. â€Å"The smoke clouds from great fires are even now rising above the southern plain.†Wulfgar considered the distressing news. He had thought that he would have more time. â€Å"Then I shall leave tonight!†he roared at the stunned assembly. â€Å"Come with me, my friends, my fellow warriors of the north! I shall show you the path to the lost glories of our past!†The crowd seemed torn and uncertain. Wulfgar played his final card. â€Å"To any man who will go with me, or to his surviving kin if he should fall, I offer an equal share of the dragon’s treasure!†He had swept in like a mighty squall off the Sea of Moving Ice. He had captured the imagination and heart of every barbarian warrior and had promised them a return to the wealth and glory of their brightest days. That very night, Wulfgar’s mercenary army charged out of their encampment and thundered across the open plain. Not a single man remained behind. How to cite The Crystal Shard 26. Rights of Victory, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Certificate in the Principles of Dementia Care free essay sample
Explain what is meant by the term dementia Dementia is a broad term used to describe the symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions. Dementia is a progressive disease and the symptoms will get gradually worse. | Q2. Describe how dementia can affect a person if the following areas of the brain are damaged by dementia. Area of Brain| How damage to this area might affect a person with dementia| Frontal lobe| * Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements * Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others * Loss of flexibility in thinking * Persistence of a single thought * Inability to focus on a task * Mood changes * Changes in social behaviour * Changes in personality * Difficulty with problem solving * Inability to express language| Parietal lobe| * Inability to attend to more than one object at a time * Inability to name an object * Problems with reading, writing and drawing * Difficulty in distinguishing left from right * Difficulty with doing mathematics * Lack of awareness of certain body parts and/or surrounding space that can lead to difficulties in self-care * Difficulties with eye and hand coordination| Temporal lobe| * Difficulty in recognising familiar faces * Difficulty in understanding spoken words * Difficulty with identification of, and verbalization about objects * Short term memory loss * Interference with long term memory * Increased and decreased interest in sexual behaviour * Inability to categorise objects * Right lobe damage can cause persistent talking * Increased aggressive behaviour| Occipital lobe| * Defects in vision * Difficulty with locating objects in environment * Difficulty with identifying colours * Hallucinations * Visual agnosia * Difficulties with reading and writing| Cerebellum| * Loss of ability to coordinate fine movements * Loss of ability to walk * Inability to reach out and grab objects * Tremors * Vertigo * Slurred speech| Q3. Explain how the following may be mistaken for dementia: a) DepressionDepression is a condition which is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Some of the symptoms common to both Alzheimers and depression include: * Loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities and hobbies * Social withdrawal * Memory problems * Sleeping too much or too little * Impaired concentrationb) DeliriumDelirium (also known as acute confusional state) is a medical condition that results in confusion and other disruptions in thinking and behaviour, including changes in perception, attention, mood and activity level. ) Age related memory impairmentAge related memory impairment is a natural part of the ageing process. as people get older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. As a result, some people may notice that it takes longer to learn new things, they dont remember information as well as they did, or they lose things like their keys or spectacles. | Q4. Give an outline of the following models of dementia. a) The medical model of dementia. The medical model views dementia as a clinical syndrome which is characterised by cognitive impairment about which nothing can be done. it focuses on the disease and places importance on treating the disease rather than the person. It focuses on the impairment as the problem. This model seeks to create dependency, restrict choice, disempower, devalue and reinforce stereotypes. The social model of dementia. The social model of dementia focuses on the individual, rather than the disease. It seeks to ensure the persons skills, capabilities and achievements are retained. The social model of care seeks to understand the emotions and behaviours of the person with dementia by placing him or her in the context of his or her social circumstances and biography. By learning about each person with dementia as an individual, with his or her own history and background, care and support can be designed to be more appropriate to individual needs. | Q5. Explain why it is important to see dementia as a disability. Often when we think of disability we think about people who are physically disabled, for example we might think about a person who is unable to walk. Dementia however can also be very disabling because the damage to a person’s brain prevents them from doing things they were once able to do. The Equality Act 2010 says that a person has a disability if:†¢ They have a physical or mental impairment†¢ The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-to-day activities. So, under the Equality Act a person who is living with dementia is recognised as having a disability. Having dementia can affect many different areas of functioning. A person with dementia may experience:†¢ Emotional impairment†¢ Physical impairment†¢ Difficulty maintaining relationships†¢ Difficulty maintaining functions of daily living†¢ Communication difficulties. Seeing dementia as a form of disability challenges care workers to adapt their care approach. As with any disability, care workers can work with and around the difficulties and compensate for them in other areas thus preventing further disability. | Q6. List the four most common causes of dementia 1. Alzheimers disease2. Vascular dementia3. Dementia with Lewy Bodies4. Fronto-temporal dementia| Q7. Describe the signs and symptoms associated with the four most common causes of dementia 1. In the early stages, the person may be mildly forgetful with lapses of memory, difficulty in finding the right words for everyday objects or mood swings. As Alzheimers progresses, the person may routinely forget recent events, names and faces and have difficulty in understanding what is being said. The person may become confused when handling money and undergo personality changes, appearing to no longer care about those around them. Swings are common and the person may become tearful for no apparent reason, or become convinced that someone is trying to harm them. In advanced cases people may also adopt unsettling behaviour like getting up in the middle of the night or wander off and become lost. Some people lose their inhibitions and sense of what is acceptable behaviour, undress in public or make inappropriate sexual advances. The person may become incontinent, have difficulty eating and drinking and may become completely dependent on others. 2. Symptoms usually develop suddenly and progress in a step like way where a sudden worsening is followed by a period of stabilisation. Common symptoms include poor concentration and difficulties with communication. memory loss may also lead to confusion. As vascular dementia does not affect all of the brain, the individual may be able to retain more of their abilities and memory loss may not appear until later in the progression of the disease. This means that the individual may be more aware of their deteriorating health and may therefore be more at risk of depression. 3. Dementia with Lewy Bodies is a progressive disease and individuals may experience: * Problems with attention and alertness * Problems with spatial disorientation * Difficulty with executive function, which includes difficulty in planning ahead and coordinating mental activities * Muscle stiffness * Trembling of the limbs * A tendency to shuffle when walking * Loss of facial expression * Changes in the strength and tone of the voice * Hallucinations4. Typically, during the initial stages of Fronto-temporal dementia, the persons memory is still intact but their personality and their behaviour changes. People with Fronto-temporal dementia may: * Lack insight, and lose the ability to empathise with others. This can make them appear selfish and unfeeling * Become extrovert when they were previously introverted, or withdrawn when they were previously outgoing * Behave inappropriately for example: making tactless comments, joking at the wrong moments or being rude * Lose their inhibitions for example: exhibiting sexual behaviour in public * Become aggressive * Be easily distracted * Develop routines for example: compulsive rituals| Q8. Outline five factors that could increase the risk of developing one of the four different types of dementia 1. Age is the most significant known risk factor for dementia. the chances of developing dementia increase with age, however, dementia is not a normal part of the ageing process. 2. Gender can play a role as women have a slightly increased risk of developing Alzheimers disease. Vascular dementia on the other hand is more common in men. 3. Genetics. People with a family history of dementia are at greater risk of developing it. 4. Medical history. Specific medical conditions can increase a persons chances of developing dementia. These include conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Huntingtons Disease, Downs Syndrome, and HIV. Conditions that affect the heart, arteries or blood circulation can particularly increase the risk of a person developing vascular dementia. People who suffer severe or repeated trauma to the head are at a increased risk of developing dementia. 5. Environment and Lifestyle. A persons lifestyle choices can affect their chances of developing dementia. This includes a unhealthy diet, high in saturated fats, smoking, excessive alcohol, lack of physical activity or exposure to high amounts of aluminium. | Q9. Identify the prevalence rates for five types of dementia. There are currently 800,000 people with dementia in the UKThis equates to:Alzheimers disease = 62% 496,000Vascular dementia = 17% 136,000Mixed dementia = 10% 80,000Dementia with Lewy Bodies 4% 32,000Fronto-temporal dementia = 2% 16,000| Q10. Describe how the following factors can affect an individuals experience of dementia a) AgeBeing diagnosed with dementia at any age can be devastating, but particularly for people that are diagnosed at a younger age. Although the symptoms of dementia are similar whatever a persons age, younger people with dementia may have different needs for example: * Dependent children * Be in work at the time of diagnosis * Have financial commitments, such as a mortgage * Find it more difficult to rationalise losing skills at a young age * Find it more difficult to access information and supportb) Type of dementiaAlzheimers is a gradually progressive form of dementia. Over time the person may lose more of their everyday skills and abilities and may eventually be unable to perform the simplest of everyday tasks without encouragement, support and supervision. Vascular dementia tends to affect only specific areas of the brain. his means the individual may be able to retain more of their abilities and memory loss may not appear until later in the progression of the disease. This means that the individual may be more aware of their deteriorating health, and may therefore be at risk of depression. People with Front o-temporal lobe dementia tend to be less forgetful than people who have Alzheimers disease. Their memory tends to remain intact but their personality and behaviour noticeably changes. Dementia with Lewy Bodies interrupts the brains normal functioning and affects the persons memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinsons disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. | Q11. What effect can negative attitudes have on a person with dementia? Negative attitudes can only serve to further disable people by:Forcing compliancePatronising themStigmatisationNot acknowledging their experiences or feelingsExclusionDenying choiceFailing to promote independenceHumiliating them and failing to promote their self-esteem| Q12. What effect can positive attitudes have on a person with dementia? Positive attitudes are empowering, enabling and can help people with dementia feel good about themselves through feeling valued and respected and being given consideration to their perspective, feelings, emotions and choices. | Unit 2. Q1. Describe what is meant by a person centred approach to dementia care. Person-centred care places the person, and not their dementia, at the centre of their care. The needs and emotions of each individual are the focal point around which everything else is geared. Person-centred care is based on the principles of holistic care. This means that it considers the whole person, meeting the persons whole needs, and not just their physical needs. These needs include love, comfort, identity, occupation, inclusion and attachment. We all share these needs but people with dementia require greater support from others in order to meet them. | Q2. Outline the benefits of working in a person-centred way for the individual, staff and the organisation. Individual * Promotes autonomy * Promotes choice * Builds a relationship which is based on trust and respect * Provides a sense of hope * Acknowledges recognition of the individual * Enables remaining abilities to be used * Gives the individual a sense of purpose * Empowers the individual * Improved sense of well-being * Promotes a positive healthcare experience * Reduces levels of anxietyStaff * Staff members are more comfortable caring for people they know * They form a strong partnership with individuals and their families * They know a persons preferences, can anticipate a persons needs and can adapt care accordingly * Staff are highly valued in person-centred care organisations * They work more efficiently in person-centred care environments and can devote time where it is most needed. Organisation * The organisation is likely to have better quality outcomes due to the ability of staff to identify and respond appropriately to changes in service users condition * The organisation is likely to gain referrals from people who have a good experience and recommend the care setting to others as a place of care * The organisation is likely to have better staff retention due to a strong relationship between staff and service users. | Q3. Describe the role that carers can have in the care and support of people who have dementia A carers role includes helping the person with some or all of the activities of daily living, from intimate personal care to housework; supporting the person in meaningful occupation; providing constant reassurance where the person fears being alone; helping with, or managing, financial and legal matters; providing emotional, and many other, forms of support. Caring and supporting for someone with dementia involves dealing with a lot of change and can be stressful. It can take time to adapt as carers face changes around roles, work, finances and lifestyle. | Q4. Explain the benefits of developing a personal relationship with carers. Developing working relationships with carers has many benefits, including: * Increased cooperation * Mutual respect * Coordinated services * Trust * Improved communication * Willingness to exchange and share information relating to the individual * Consistent approach to care * Reduced likelihood of stress * And improvements in sense of well-being| Q5. Describe the roles of ten types of health and social care professionals who may be involved in the support of people with dementia 1. Neurologists are specialist doctors, who specialise in nervous system disorders, including conditions of the brain. 2. Geriatricians are doctors who specialise in the care of older people3. Clinical psychologists are specialists in the behavioural and mental functions of the brain4. Nurses work with people who have dementia and those who care for them in a variety of roles5. Physiotherapists can advise on exercise for people at all stages of dementia. They can also advise carers on safe ways of helping someone to move. 6. Speech and language therapists can advise someone with dementia, and their carer, on ways of communicating more effectively and on relieving any swallowing difficulties. 7. Domiciliary carers, also known as home carers, provide care in the individuals own home. it involves help with personal care and household tasks for the frail or those with long term care needs. Domiciliary care makes it possible for service users to remain in their own home, rather than use residential or nursing care homes, enabling them to maintain comfort and personal independence within their local community. 8. Day care provides care for a person during the day. it is provided away from the persons home and transport is usually arranged as part of the service. Day care offers benefits, both to the person that receives it, and to any carers who look after them. 9. District or community nurses are members of the primary care team. They have extra training and provide advice and care for people at home and carry out various tests and assessments. 10. Independent Advocates provide important support to individuals who may need or want help in speaking up, getting involved in their own care or accessing services. | Q6. Give three examples to explain when it might be necessary to refer to others when supporting individuals with dementia 1. Being unable to meet the needs of the person with dementia2. The individuals condition deteriorates3. The carers physical and mental health is at risk. | Q7. Explain how you could access additional support from other agencies when supporting individuals who have dementia. Information on what is available locally can usually be obtained from the individuals G. P. or their local authority Social Services department. Local authority Social Services departments are the main providers of care and support services. If a person with dementia or there carer is in need of support they should contact the local social services department to explain. The department will then carry out an assessment of the persons needs and identify what services should be appropriate to meet those needs. this is known as a community care assessment.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
The Culture Of Japanese Management Essays - Employment, Recruitment
The Culture Of Japanese Management THE CULTURE OF JAPANESE MANAGEMENT The culture of Japanese management so famous in the West is generally limited to Japan's large corporations. These flagships of the Japanese economy provide their workers with excellent salaries and working conditions and secure employment. These companies and their employees are the business elite of Japan. A career with such a company was the dream of many young people in Japan, but only a select few attain these jobs. Qualification for employment is limited to the men and the few women who graduate from the top thirty colleges and universities in Japan. Placement and advancement of Japanese workers is heavily based on educational background. Students who do not gain admission to the most highly rated colleges only rarely have the chance to work for a large company. Instead, they have to seek positions in small and medium-sized firms that can not offer comparable benefits and prestige. The quality of one's education and, more important, the college attended, play decisive roles in a person's career (see, ch. 3). Few Japanese attend graduate school, and graduate training in business per se is rare. There are only a few business school programs in Japan. Companies provide their own training and show a strong preference for young men who can be trained in the company way. Interest in a person whose attitudes and work habits are shaped outside the company is low. When young men are preparing to graduate from college, they begin the search for a suitable employer. This process has been very difficult: there are only a few positions in the best government ministries, and quite often entry into a good firm is determined by competitive examination. The situation is becoming less competitive, with a gradual decrease in the number of candidates. New workers enter their companies as a group on April 1 each year. One of the prominent features of Japanese management is the practice of permanent employment (shushin koyo). Permanent employment covers the minority of the work force that work for the major companies. Management trainees, traditionally nearly all of whom were men, are recruited directly from colleges when they graduate in the late winter and, if they survive a six-month probationary period with the company, are expected to stay with the companies for their entire working careers. Employees are not dismissed thereafter on any grounds, except for serious breaches of ethics. Permanent employees are hired as generalists, not as specialists for specific positions. A new worker is not hired because of any special skill or experience; rather, the individual's intelligence, educational background, and personal attitudes and attributes are closely examined. On entering a Japanese corporation, the new employee will train from six to twelve months in each of the firm's major offices or divisions. Thus, within a few years a young employee will know every facet of company operations, knowledge which allows companies to be more productive. Another unique aspect of Japanese management is the system of promotion and reward. An important criterion is seniority. Seniority is determined by the year an employee's class enters the company. Career progression is highly predictable, regulated, and automatic. Compensation for young workers is quite low, but they accept low pay with the understanding that their pay will increase in regular increments and be quite high by retirement. Compensation consists of a wide range of tangible and intangible benefits, including housing assistance, inexpensive vacations, good recreational facilities, and, most important, the availability of low-cost loans for such expenses as housing and a new automobile. Regular pay is often augmented by generous semiannual bonuses. Members of the same graduating class usually start with similar salaries, and salary increases and promotions each year are generally uniform. The purpose is to maintain harmony and avoid stress and jealousy within the group. Individual evaluation, however, does occur. Early in workers' careers, by age thirty, distinctions are made in pay and job assignments. During the latter part of workers' careers, another weeding takes place, as only the best workers are selected for accelerated advancement into upper management. Those employees who fail to advance are forced to retire from the company in their midto -late fifties. Retirement does not necessarily mean a
Friday, March 6, 2020
The eNotes Blog The Life and Legacy of SylviaPlath
The Life and Legacy of SylviaPlath photo via Sylvia Plath is one of the most iconic writers of the 20th century. For decades, her confessional style of writing has captivated readers with its raw emotion and prolific language. This October, Plath would have turned 86 years old. We thought there was no better way to start Plath’s birthday month than with a look back at the trials and triumphs of her brief life. Early Life Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts. Her writing career began at the early age of eight after her father died from a long battle with diabetes. This event inspired Plath to use writing as an outlet for her grief. The earliest evidence of Plath’s published works are found around 1950 when she won several newspaper contests and published her first story, â€Å"And The Summer Will Not Come Again,†in Seventeen magazine. Plath went on to attend Smith College where she continued to pursue writing and became a student editor of Mademoiselle magazine. Despite her early success as a writer, Plath battled severe depression, making constant suicide attempts from the time she was twenty years old. Plath traveling in Venice | photo via Adulthood Published Poetry Upon graduating, Plath moved to Cambridge, England, on a Fulbright Fellowship. While there, she met and married the English poet Ted Hughes. The couple briefly moved back to Massachusetts where Plath continued her studies with poet Robert Lowell. Plath’s first collection of poems titled, The Colossus and Other Poems was published in 1960. Plath and Hughes eventually moved back to England, where Plath gave birth to two children. After six years of marriage, Plath’s husband left her for another woman. Many of the poems Plath wrote during this time are compiled in her book Ariel. In 1963, Plath published an autobiographical novel titled The Bell Jar under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. In the novel, Plath disguises her family and friends as fictional characters, which gave them no indication of the depression she was constantly experiencing. Plath with her daughter, Frieda and her son, Nicholas | photo via Final Days On the morning of February 11, 1963, Plath died by suicide in the kitchen of her London home. Her ex-husband, Ted Hughes, became her literary executor. He published several of her works annually, including Ariel in 1965. Hughes also went on to publish The Collected Poems, which was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1982. Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath December 1959 | photo via Her Legacy The greatest impact of Sylvia Plath’s life work comes with her legacy. She is a pioneer of her craft and has inspired countless artists to showcase vulnerability through their work. In many ways, Plath was ahead of her time. She recognized the societal expectations of a 1950s female but was not afraid to speak out against issues of patriarchy and domesticity. Plath was a voice not only for females but for individuals suffering from mental illness. She validated unacknowledged emotions that came from the ideologies indoctrinated into her generation. She transformed her own life experiences into universal ones that continue to resonate with readers to this day. Many individuals agree that The Bell Jar feels so timely decades after it was written, with Catherine LaSota from explaining, â€Å"The disassembly of the patriarchy is a painfully slow process. I believe that the time in your life in which you read a book will affect your take on the book, and I can certainly say that I read The Bell Jar very aware of the current Trumpian political climate. Parts of the book read like a rallying cry for women to take charge, and in this way I found The Bell Jar to be quite empowering.†It’s difficult to say what Sylvia Plath could have accomplished beyond thirty. The themes Plath explores throughout her writing are the same topics in contemporary conversations, demonstrating the relevance and immortality of her work. I think we can only hope that Sylvia Plath would have found a sense of peace with her life and would have continued to share her words with the world. photo via If you like Plath, check out these free texts on Owl Eyes: Dead Love by Elizabeth Siddal warns an innocent audience about the inevitable loss of love. Orchard by Hilda (H.D) Doolittle juxtaposes vibrant imagery with allusions to Puritan ideology. The Garden by Hilda (H.D) Doolittle is a vivid metaphor illustrating the oppressive forces of power. Worn Out by Elizabeth Siddal features a speaker battling the complexities of giving and receiving love. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is written as a woman’s secret diary as she’s locked in a room, forced into a â€Å"rest cure.â€
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Management Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management Information Systems - Assignment Example At the present, almost ten lawyers are working in this firm. Basically, the Law Company has been using a traditional approach to run and manage its business-related activities due to which it has been undergoing a wide variety of problems and issues. Some of these issues are outlined below: In order to deal with the above-mentioned issues, the Law Company should implement an effective management information system, because â€Å"a management information system is the hardware and software systems within an enterprise that provide the information that management needs to run an enterprise†(Rouse, 2014). The implementation of a management information system will provide a large number of benefits to the Law Company. Some of the major benefits of this implementation are outlined below: Improved security (only authorized users with a proper user ID and password will be able to access the information that they want to access and this ID will decide whether they are allowed to access a particular information or not). At the present, a large number of ready-made management information systems are available for supporting every function of a business. For instance, SAP offers a wide variety of systems for different departments such as accounting, human resource management and so on. But these systems are useful when the size of a company is huge because the implementation of these systems is more costly than the customized solution. In addition, they also charge a license fee on the monthly or yearly basis. I will suggest the implementation of a SQL database, which can be linked with a user interface developed in Dot Net Technology. The implementation of this system will be less expensive as compared to a ready-made system. The system will be used to manage all kinds of data that relate to the Law Company. Basically, this system will be developed by collecting all the requirements from all the stakeholders.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
A View on Middle Eastern Exceptionalism Research Paper
A View on Middle Eastern Exceptionalism - Research Paper Example The Middle East is only as unique as outside elements may see it be. Now, in discovering if the Middle East would be the exception amidst developing countries would take the close examination. There are many methods of determination in this aspect of the question. First, we must examine from the viewpoint of agreement in the fact that Egypt is an exception amongst its peers and once that is done, we must examine the viewpoint of its equally powerful neighbors in Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. In providing reasoning behind this consideration, it is best to have several resources to allow the capacity of comparativeness in pros and cons for the viewpoint of Exceptionalism in the Middle Eastern culture. Amidst due consideration of the points delivered in the viewpoints of the various authors of the resources consulted, it has become apparent that Egypt would hardly consist of an exception amidst the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. Despite Mr. Bromley's best efforts, he fails to prove that the Middle East is an exception and that Egypt would be any different than any other part of the Middle East. In his own words, Mr. ... First, we must examine from the viewpoint of agreement in the fact that Egypt is an exception amongst its peers and once that is done, we must examine the viewpoint of its equally powerful neighbors in Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. In providing reasoning behind this consideration, it is best to have several resources to allow the capacity of comparativeness in pros and cons for the viewpoint of Exceptionalism in the Middle Eastern culture. Amidst due consideration of the points delivered in the viewpoints of the various authors of the resources consulted, it has become apparent that Egypt would hardly consist of an exception amidst the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. Despite Mr. Bromley's best efforts, he fails to prove that the Middle East is an exception and that Egypt would be any different than any other part of the Middle East. In his own words, Mr. Bromley says in his treatise titled Middle Eastern Exceptionalism, "Despite these differences, there is a general consensus that the Middle East has witnessed limited democratization and contains few, if any, liberal democracies and that this differentiates it from much of the rest of the developing world."1 Mr. Bromley's view of exceptionalism and its manifestation as a result of democratization continues to expound through this chapter, but again, he hides the truth in his own words. "Other observers, noting the continued restrictions placed on party formation, the role of the military in national politics (including the emergency rule in the Kurdish south-east of the country), the outstanding issue of the place of Islam in the state and long-standing economic problems, are less confident."Â Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
Customer Satisfaction In Bank Of Ceylon
Customer Satisfaction In Bank Of Ceylon Abstract In this comparative commercial world, the bank has to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers, and has to attract new customers, and hence enhance their business. Service quality is considered through the banks strategies. Therefore, every bank has to emphasize on customer satisfaction. As far as the banks are concerned this phenomenon is very prominent. Banking sector has to improve and modernize their service. I have selected the subject Service quality and Customer satisfaction in Commercial bank of Ceylon limited in Jaffna District- Sri Lanka. This research article has three tasks. First task is a research proposal which includes the introduction of the subject, hypothesis and methodology. Second task includes Literature review, data presentation and data analysis. Third task states the findings and some recommendations from the analysis. Finally the information gathered from the questionnaire, relevant books, mails and annual reports. To the best of my ability in order to present the research report, I have used the above guides to the research. Please be excuse due to any mistakes in this study. -Researcher. Task 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION This research topic is Service quality and customer satisfaction in Commercial bank of Ceylon limited in Jaffna District- Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries in South Asia which has twenty five districts based on geographical and political system. Jaffna is one of the districts of Sri Lanka. There are different kinds of banks in Sri Lanka, such as, central bank, commercial bank, Exchange bank, Agricultural bank, saving bank, rural bank, and development bank etc. Commercial bank is selected for the research purpose in Jaffna district in Sri Lanka. This is an institution and accepts money from the public for non-interests bearing current accounts. A customer may withdraw on demand by cheque, the monies in his or her current account. Particular this bank is focused on the study. Banking institutions and their activities are vital for the development of the country. Customer satisfaction plays a major role in the banking activities in the competitive environment. So banks has to evaluate the satisfaction of customers. Parasuraman.P (1988) said that a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or out come) in relation to his or her expectation. The banks are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. The bank has invested heavily in researching the market to identify service quality. Today many banks undertake service quality through the satisfaction their customers. Service quality based on customers needs and wants expectation. Normally banks successfulness depends on large co-operate customers. This is profitability of banks .Therefore customers satisfaction is very useful concept about the banking sector. It can be achieved increasing customer service and service quality. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Objectives are the end results of the process. Customer satisfaction also ends result of the service quality of the banking process. So the objective of the study is to know the organizations position. Through this study the researcher can get new ideas about service quality in banking sector and to improve customer satisfaction and can provide new ideas to modify any inefficient matters and can suggest any advantages and in future development. This research study will have some following objectives .these are Evaluation the service quality that the affect on customer satisfaction. Assessing the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. To identify the reasons, the service improvement and why a bank improves customer satisfaction. To find out the significant factor, service quality for achieving customer satisfaction. Whether there is any relationship between in customer satisfaction and banks performance. If so, what type of relationship (positive/ negative). 1.3 SIGNIFICANSE OF YHE STUDY When we consider the significance of the study that provides some important factors to organization customers, employees and managers. If there is high customer satisfaction it will help full to organization and managers to get more customers. They can get much deposit and get more profit through this satisfaction. They can get a well goodwill in private banks also to provide a caring service quality .but on the other hand if there is dissatisfaction it is difficult to increase their market share. Customer satisfaction also helps to employees. If the employees give good service quality they can get good marks to their performance report on banking assistance, so it will help to their reward system. This study gives us a chance to understand to what extent the theoretical knowledge we have studied is being followed in practice .Study of working people may help us to understand clearly how the customer satisfaction of banking is important to meet the changing needs of the people to achieve the goals of the institution. 1.4 LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH There must be some limitation to any event; it is not an expectation in this report. Though there are various factors causing service quality and customer satisfaction. Prevailing condition Due to the prevailing situation some customers and employees may not say whole true data strategies and benefits. Through there are various factors causing as service quality and customer satisfaction the following factors are taken this study. Improving service quality has high expresses, so it is not possible to implement immediately in Jaffna district. Select the sample of banks customers in the research with require their concern and it is there fore not expected to be with bias. This study has only tried to find out relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a human behaviour, that is difficult to measure The questionnaire will prepare specially for customer-(selected samples). 1.5 METHODOLOGY 1.5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter allocated to describe the methodologies that have used in relation to this study. This includes conceptualization, operationalization, research sample, data collection techniques and method of analysis. Further the way of research sample was selected. The system adopted in collecting data techniques used in analysis, the data and the measures utilized for analyzing the dates are explained. 1.5.2 CONCEPTUALIZATION In the conceptual frame work, the researcher can compare the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. The problem of the service quality and customer satisfaction in the banks could be conceptualized based on the factors assumed that can cause for this problem. The following conceptual frame work can be formulated. Conceptual frame work Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Services Customer Quality Satisfaction Assurance Empathy In this frame work showed the relationship between the key variables of the dependent variable and independent variables. The services quality is independent variable and customer satisfaction is dependent variable. The service quality are consist tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. If perceived service quality is equal to or, greater than expectation, the customer is satisfied. If perceived service quality is less than expectations the customer is dissatisfied. Services quality depends on five variables such as tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. In this variables are functioning in a better position there, quality service. It is issued by the firm. It is lead to customer satisfaction. OPERATIONALIZATION In this research the operationalization model is given below. Concept Variable Indicator Measurement Service Quality Tangible Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Customers Satisfaction Customers loyalty Customer complain Customer expectation Customer relationship Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire RESEARCH SAMPLE In developing the research plan the research has to decide or, sample size, its composition and means of collecting data. There fore, for this research purpose a bank will be selected as sample. Commercial bank has been selected for this study in Jaffna district in Sri Lanka. Customer residing in some selected divisional areas of the Jaffna district was selected for this purpose. Samples for data collection are selected randomly. 1.5.5 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES A scientific research is on the basis of Positivism and interpretivsm which are applied for this study. Primary data and secondary data were collected for the research work. Primary data was collected by the questionnaire through the gatekeeper who is working as a managing assistant in commercial bank (Jaffna branch, Sri Lanka). Secondary data has been collected from the Commercial bank of Ceylon Ltd, Jaffna from their annual report, articles, magazines and report and other related publications. Furthers such data has also been collected from publications, definitions about customers satisfaction. Questionnaire is a collection of written questions about the respondents attitudes, opinions, perceptions act. Information was collected by gatekeeper. Questionnaire was issued and collected randomly to the commercial banks customers in Jaffna district-Sri Lanka by gatekeeper. The questionnaire is included two parts. The questionnaire was prepared with questions in different sections to measure the customer satisfaction. These question were prepared based on the types of banks details such as, * Tangible * Responsiveness * Assurance * Empathy * Reliability and * Customer satisfaction. The questionnaire includes questions that are related to how far a bank has been attempted to fulfil the customer needs and wants. Marks were allocated in the following manner to the answer to the given questions. Very strongly Accepted 05 Accepted- 04 Not to do say 03 Rejected 02 Very Strongly Rejected- 01 1.5.6 HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY Hypotheses are the assumption that guides the research activity towards the ultimate finding based on the hypothesis. The researcher will go through the research activity including data collection analysis and then researcher will attain and ultimate conclusion. This research also has two hypotheses relating to customer satisfaction and service quality in respect of private banks. The moderator hypothesis is supported if the interaction is significant and although, there may also be significant main effects for the predictor and moderator, these are not directly relevant to testing the moderator hypothesis (Baron and Kenny, 1986; P 1174) According we report only the significant, interaction path co-efficient. The analyses revealed only two significant effects of moderation. Service failure moderated the effect of functional quality on overall satisfaction, and Communication moderated the effect of functional quality on functional satisfaction. H1 The service quality has mainly depended on the tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy with customer satisfaction. H2 -The service quality has an impact on customer satisfaction. 1.5.7 AN ACTION PLAN It is important to formulate an action plan to do the research. It is considered mainly six main steps for a scientific research such as; the research question, hypothesis, methodology, literature review, data collection and analysis, conclusion with recommendations. This study followed an action plan with a time table. 10/10/2009 Identify the research question or hypothesis 12/10/2009 Formulate the methodology 15/102009 Refer the literature review 19/10/2009 Data collection and analysis 02/11/2009 Presentation of findings 2.0 Task 2 2.1 LITERTATURE REVIEW 2.1.1 SERVICE QUALITY- DEFINITIONS Asubonteng (1996) said that it can be defined as the difference between customers expectations for service performance prior to the service encounter and their perceptions of the service received Gefan(2002) referred that Service quality as the subjective comparison that customers make between the qualities of the service. That they want to receive and what they get Parasuraman et al (1985, 1988) said that Service quality is determined by the differences between customers expectations of the services providers performance and their evaluation of the services the received 2.1.2 CUSTOMER VALUE Any promise is that customers will buy from the bank that they perceive offers the highest customers delivered value. The customer delivered value is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost. The total customer value is the bundle of benefits customers expect from a given product or service. Total customer cost is the bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the product or service. The researchers found five determinants of service quality. These are as follows. 01. Reliability: the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately 02. Responsiveness: the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service. 03. Assurance convey: the knowledge courtesy of employees and their ability to trust and confidence. 04. Empathy: the provision of caring individualized attention to customers. 05 Tangibles: the appearance of physical facilities equipment, personal Communication materials Figure 1: Service quality model Service delivery (Including pre and past contacts) External Communications To consumers Translation of perception into service quality Management perception of consumer expectation Word of month Communication Personal Needs Past Experience Expected services Perceived services Gap 05 Gap 01 Gap 04 Gap 03 Gap -02 Gap 04 (Source: A parasuraman, Valarie, A Zeithamal and Leonard Berry, Journal of Marketing, fall 1985) 2.1.3 DEFINITION OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Kotler said that Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or out come) in relation to this or her expectations (Kotler, 2000, p 36) Hount said that Satisfaction is a function of customers belief that he or she was treated fairly (Hount 1991) 2.1.4 METHODS OF TRAKING AND MEASURING CUSTOMER STATIFACTION Marketing concepts and tools describe how companies can track customer satisfaction. Companies use the following methods to measure how much customer satisfaction they are creating. Complaint and suggestion systems A customer centred organization makes it easy for its customers to deliver suggestions and complaints. Many restaurants and hotels provide forms for guests to report like or dislike. Companies are also adding web pages and e -mail to facilitate two way communication. These information flows provide companies with good ideas and enable them to act quickly to resolve problems. Customer satisfaction surveys Studies show that although customers are dissatisfied with one out of every for purchases, less than five percent of dissatisfied customers will complain. Most customers will buy less or switch suppliers complaint levels are thus not a good measure of customer satisfaction, responsive companys measure customer satisfaction directly by conduction periodic surveys they send questionnaires or make telephone calls to a random sample of recent customer. They also solicit buyers views on their competitors performances. Lost customer analysis Companies should contact customers who have stopped buying or who have switched to another supplier to learn why this happened. It is necessary to monitor the customer loss rate. If it is increasing this clearly indicates that the company is failing to satisfy customers, 2.1.5 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Spreng and Mackoy (1996) had also found the path coefficient between service quality satisfactions to be significant (Lee et al 2000) wood side (1989) had found similar empirical evidence. The findings of Lee et al (2000), who have studied customers of an entertainment park and an aerobic school also supports this argument. The Lock of consensus in the causality between these two constructs has been caused mainly by the use of the constructs at different levels by researchers (Lee et al 2000) those who argue that satisfaction is an antecedent of perceived service quality have treated perceived quality as a global construct while treating satisfaction as an encounter (or transaction) specific construct. The majority of those who have found perceived service quality to be an antecedent rather than a transaction specific construct. Further some researchers have argued that perceived quality could also play a role at transaction level. at this level, it is found to be an antecedent of satisfaction with the transaction (Rust and Oliver, 1994) what is evident from the foregoing discussion is that When the level of aggregation of both constructs is identical, there is less dispute that quality is an antecedent to satisfaction (Roest and Pieters, 1997) 2.2.0 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents and analyses the data collected from samples from banking sector. This chapter tries to find out the relationship between the variables by using correlation and regression analyses with graphs by using SPSS and Microsoft Excel Packages. Further more, here the researcher examined the average of variables and percentage of variables and explains the relationship and comparisons by using the bar charts. 2.2.1 CORELATION ANALYSIS Correlation analysis is a statistical analysis, which statistically measures the extent and nature of the relationship between two variables. That means if changes of two variables are associated with each other, they are said to be correlates. It signifies a relationship between them. In this research this analysis is under taken to find out the relationship between. Quality of Tangibles and customer satisfaction. Quality of Reliability and customer satisfaction. Quality of Responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Quality of Assurance and customer satisfaction. Quality of Empathy and customer satisfaction. The co-efficient of correlation (r) is always between-1 and 1 and tells the type and strength of relationship between these variables. That is, if r is positive, there is positive relationship between the two variables. If r is less than zero that means there is negative relationship between two variables. The strength of relationship between the variables will be as follows. r= +1 indicates complete positive correlation. r= -1 indicates complete negative correlation. r= +/-0.5 indicates moderate correlation. r= +/-0.8 or +/-0.9 indicates strong correlation. r= +/-0.2 or +/-0.4 indicates weak correlation. r= 0 indicates zero or no correlation. Following tables illustrate the coefficient of correlation derived by the analysis for variables Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy related to customer satisfaction in the Commercial bank of Ceylon Ltd. Table -1 coefficient of correlation between customer satisfaction and service quality Service Quality Customer satisfaction (r ) Tangible Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Total 0.229 0.579** 0.753** 0.388 0.641** 0.787** When interpreting the coefficient of correlation, the researcher can observe that, there is positive relationship between services quality and customer satisfaction in all cases. r is +0.787. The relationship is moderate in the case of service quality compared with customer satisfaction of the Commercial bank of Ceylon Ltd. In the case of tangible, the relationship between the tangible and customer satisfaction is positive relationship and also the relationship between the tangible and customer satisfaction is weak because the coefficient of correlation is + 0.229 between tangible and customer satisfaction. In the case of reliability, the relationship between the reliability and customer satisfaction is positive relationship and also the relationship between the reliability and customer satisfaction is moderate. The coefficient of correlation is + 0.578** between reliability and customer satisfaction. In the case of responsiveness, the relationship between the responsiveness and customer satisfaction is positive relationship and also the relationship between the responsiveness and customer satisfaction is strong. The coefficient of correlation is + 0.753** between responsiveness and customer satisfaction. In the case of Assurance, the relationship between the Assurance and customer satisfaction is positive relationship and also the relationship between the Assurance and customer satisfaction is weak. The coefficient of correlation is + 0.388 between Assurance and customer satisfaction. In the case of Empathy, the relationship between Empathy and customer satisfaction is positive relationship and also the relationship between the Empathy and customer satisfaction is moderate. The coefficient of correlation is + 0.641** between Empathy and customer satisfaction. There for, the relationship between total service quality and total customer satisfaction is strong positive relationship. The coefficient of correlation (r) 0.787** between total service quality and total customer satisfaction. The pattern of variation of the service quality as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy in relation to the value of the satisfaction of the customer are as follows. Table 2 regression summary service quality and customer satisfaction in Commercial bank of Ceylon ltd in Jaffna district. Y= a + box Service quality a b r2 Tangible Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy 61.0 38.1 22.9 49.6 36.8 0.229 0.578 0.753 0.388 0.641 0.053 0.334 0.567 0.151 0.411 Quality of tangible and customer satisfaction The regression equation of customer satisfaction in relation to the quality of the tangible in Commercial bank of Ceylon in Jaffna district is given below. Y=a+ bx Y= 61.0 + 0.229X Based on this equation when X increases by one unit, the value of y is increase by 0.229 that is the customer satisfaction is increased by 0.229 per each additional unit of tangible. This prediction equation is graphed in the following graph, along with a plot of the data points. Graph 1 Tangible and customer satisfaction Now let us check the usefulness of the hypothesized model that is whether X (tangible) really contributes information for the prediction of y (customer satisfaction) using the straight -line model. The coefficient of determination (r2) represents the proportion of the variation in y that is explained by the independent variable (x). In the case of customer satisfaction is 5.3% that means 5.3% of the variance in the customer satisfaction can be explained by the changes in the quality of tangible. This indicates that 94.7% of customer satisfaction will be influenced by the other factors. Quality of Reliability and customer satisfaction The regression equation of customer satisfaction in relation to the Quality of Reliability in Commercial bank of Ceylon Limited in Jaffna district is given below. Y= 38.1 + 0.578 X Based on this equation when X increases by one unit, the value y is increase by 0.578. That is the customer satisfaction increase by 0.578 per each additional units of Reliability. This prediction equation is graphed in the following graph with a Plot of the data points. Graph 2 Reliability and customer satisfaction Now, let us check the usefulness of the hypothesized model, that is, Whether X (Reliability) really contributes information for the prediction of Y (customer satisfaction) using the straight -line model. The coefficient of determination (r2) represents the proportion of the variation in Y that explained by the independent variable. In case of customer satisfaction is the reliability influences only 33.4% that means 33.4% of the variance in the customer satisfaction. This indicates that 66.6% of customer satisfaction will be influenced by the other factors. Quality of Responsiveness and customer satisfaction The regression equation of customer satisfaction in relation to the Quality of Responsiveness in Commercial bank of Ceylon Limited in Jaffna district is given below. Y= 22.9 + 0.753 X Based on this equation when X increase by one unit, the value Y will also increase by 0.753. That is the customer satisfaction will increase by 0.753 each additional units of Responsiveness. This prediction equation is graphed in the following graph along with a Plot of the data points. Graph 3 Responsiveness and customer satisfaction Now, let us check the usefulness of the hypothesized model, that is x (responsiveness) really contributes of information for the prediction of y (customer satisfaction) using the straight-line model. The coefficient of determination (r2) represents the proportion of the variation in y that explained by the independent variable. In the case of customer satisfaction is the Responsiveness influence only 56.7%. It means 56.7% of the variance in customer satisfaction. This indicates that 43.3% of customer satisfaction will be influenced by other factors. Quality of Assurance and customer satisfaction The regression equation of the customer satisfaction in relation to quality of Assurance in Commercial Bank Ceylon Limited in Jaffna district is given below. Y=49.6 + 0.388X Based on this equation when x increase by one unit, the value of y will also increase by 0.388. That is the customer satisfaction will increase by 0.388 per each additional units of Assurance. This prediction equation is graphed in the following graph, along with a plot of the data points. Graph 4 Assurance and customer satisfaction Now, let us check the usefulness of the hypothesized model, that is, whether x (Assurance) really contributes of information for the prediction of y (customer satisfaction) using the straight-line model. The coefficient of determination (r2) represents the proportion of the variation in y that explained by the independent variable. In case of customer satisfaction is the Assurance influences only 15.1% at mean, it means 15.1% of the variance in the customer satisfaction. This indicates the 84.9% of customer satisfaction will be influenced by other factors. 05. Quality of Empathy and customer satisfaction The regression equation of the customer satisfaction in relation to quality of Empathy in Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited in Jaffna district is given below. Y= 36.8 + 0.641X Based on this equation when x increase by one unit, the value of y will also increase by 0.641. That is the customer satisfaction will increase by 0.641 per each additional units of Empathy. This prediction equation is graphed in the following graph, along with a plot of the data points. Graph 5 Empathy and customer satisfaction Now, let us check the usefulness of the hypothesized model, that is, whether x (Empathy) really contributes of information for the prediction of y (customer satisfaction) using the straight-line model. The coefficient of determination (r2) represents the proportion of the variation in y that explained by the independent variable. In case of customer satisfaction is the Empathy influences only 41.1% that means 41.1% of variance in customer satisfaction. This indicates the 58.9% of customer satisfaction will be influenced by other factors. Task 3 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 3.0 INTRODUCTION This is final chapter of this research. This chapter includes the findings of the research, hypotheses testing and recommendations. This chapter discusses the findings of the research and the test of the hypotheses whether the hypotheses are accepted or not. Further it gives suggestion to improve the service quality in order to achieve the customer satisfaction. 3.1 FINDING OF THE RESEARCH In this research, the researcher finds out the results based on the data presentation and data analysis used in this research a correlation, average and percentage. The area concerned with this research is banking sector with selected sample from Commercial bank of Ceylon Ltd in Jaffna district. According to the correlation analysis, the following findings are prepared. The relationship between the Tangible and customer satisfaction is positive and weak as at 0.229, Reliability and customer satisfaction is positive but moderate as at 0.578*, Responsiveness and customer satisfaction is positive and strong as at 0.753, Assurance and customer satisfaction is positive and weak as at 0.388 and Empathy and customer satisfaction is positive but moderate as at 0.641* in Commercial bank of Ceylon Ltd in Jaffna-Sri Lanka. Based on the re
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Cabin in the Woods
The Cabin in the Woods 1. Joss Whedon says that ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ is â€Å"your basic horror movie taken apart; five kids go to a cabin in the woods to have a fun weekend of partying and possibly sex†¦ and are therefore dismembered†. Whedon and Goddard have in essence tried to create a movie with roots tied to the horror genre; it is simply your common slasher movie where the characters are killed off one by one till there is either one person left or none for that matter. The Cabin in the Woods’ also has ties to other genres such as comedy, this can be seen in scenes such as where they are all sitting around in the main room, playing truth or dare, and Jules is dared to kiss the wolfs head on the wall, also in the scene where Marty has a bong that can retract into a coffee mug. ‘The Cabin in the Woods' turns the horror genre on its head. The film is a satire and pays homage to some of the great scary movies from the past such as Sam Raimi's ‘Evil Dead' and also Dario Argento's ‘Suspira'.Another genre that is incorporated into the movie is sci-fi. We see this when Marty and Dana descend in the lift to where the scientists are, we then see various ‘nightmare’ characters with some being human and the majority being made up creatures, this is part of the sci-fi genre as it usually contains monsters and mythical creatures that are not found in real life and questions normality. 2.The narrative structure of ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ is linear. It starts with equilibrium where everything is going well, this is seen when all of the 5 are meeting up together getting prepared to start on their journey. This is then followed by disruption where the first character is killed off which would be Jules. The quest for restoration is found in the scene where Dana and Holden go into the lift and look to stop all of it.The equilibrium being restored can be seen for two sides, one being that it is restored as the operation is shut down, but the other side being that it isn’t restored as the whole world ends because of the ‘gods’ that are unleashed. 3. There are many different representations of gender in ‘The Cabin in the Woods’. Firstly, the two women, Jules and Dana, are defined as The Whore and The Virgin which is two opposite ends of the spectrum whose deaths are meant to serve as bookends for the others.The order of deaths is irrelevant except in the case of the women. Jules, as the corrupted whore, has to die first, and Dana, the Virgin, has to die last, that’s if she dies at all. As Hadley says, â€Å"The virgin’s death is optional as long as it’s last. †The female characters are defined only by their sexuality; nothing else about them really matters. In certain scenes Laura Mulvey’s theory of the ‘male gaze’ is prevalent. When Dana is getting undressed in her room, Holden f inds out that he can see through a window into her room, but she can’t.We see the camera follow Dana up and down as she takes off her clothes, then the camera switches back round to Holden, who we see watching her but trying to look away at the same time. Still, the men don’t fare much better with their prescribed roles. They are given the roles of The Athlete, The Scholar, and The Fool. The Athlete is your typical American jock who has a naturally athletic and muscly body and loves sports. The scholar is represented as being a book worm whose only passion is education and reading books and the fool is represented as being basically dumb.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Movement, space and dynamics are used in Mat Ek’s work Carmen to portray the various characters throughout the piece and to determine their relationships therefore gaining a greater understanding of the characters and the narrative. Micaela (M) is a respectable and adequate woman who is loyal to her fiance but is always leading him and influencing his behavior in life. The first movement we see from M is at a low height with collapsing, repeated contractions which give us an initial idea of her silent presence amongst her fiance Don Jose while he is conversing with the other solider portraying the idea of her intimidation of other men. Her movements are curved in shape though still very forceful, sharp and have a punch like force about them which gives the idea she is conscience of Jose, giving his directions and guidelines of how the behave. She then progresses into a lot of sustaining movements, which she continuously motions upward, giving the impression and the resemblance of appreciation of life and her faithfulness toward Don Jose. Symbolism of a wish to have a child occurs at 0. 33 through the use of curved â€Å"cradle-like†motions which shows the couples desire to settle down and be a family. There is also a repetitive floor pattern as M often travels away from Don Jose but then travels directly back towards his representing her dedication and loyalty as she always returns to her fiance and also the idea of her constant presence. M’s dynamics then take a sudden change as she is not longer performing contracted, closed movements in a repetitive nature which portrayed her ideal feministic nature of being loyal and she now has a less controlled nature about her performing asymmetrical kicks and contrasting shapes as she seems to let loose the further she ventures away from Jose which symbolizes her soul connection to him as she always returns back. The duet performed by M and Don Jose see’s M return to her original circular, curved shape movements and we see Jose’s unison with her, always a step behind which gives a sense she is showing him the way. Both of their movements are free yet heavy and they have a curved shape about them implying the hidden control and tension between them but also the trance they set each other in as the appear slightly â€Å"playful†and always drawn upwards with high levels and strong gestures such as lifting M up at 1:39 and high suspension movements at 1:09 to the sky symbolizing the feeling of being content and happy. Jose’s continuous following of M and his placement in space of always being slightly behind M symbolizes his shyness and the controlling nature his fiance possesses over him. At 1:44 we see M and Jose linking arms with M pointing to the direction she wishes to head while Jose looks at her in admiration and awaiting her next gesture again portraying the idea of her leading and controlling power she has over him and his obedience to this power. As the group of female dancers come in we see a dramatic change in the dynamics and movements of the dance as in comparison to M, these dancers have a much more open body position about them with much greater use of the entire kinosphere of each individual. The use of multiple kicks and turns which take up a large amount of space around the dancer display their confidence and high self esteem. At 2:45 the girls perform a controlled turn as they have a strong posture and arm position with head titled towards the sky to convey a strong, open shape which further portrays the idea of the confidence and â€Å"teasing†nature they possess in the males presence. As the males and female perform a direct swap in sides we see the males perform loose, uncontrolled arm movements which shows the uncontrollable urge they have to go and â€Å"dance†with the girls and how crazy they females make them along with the back and forth floor pattern the girls create as they swap sides and they lead the boys in and then head back the other direction which also conveys the teasing nature of the females. At 3:12 the males perform a percussive movement as the floor pattern leads them towards the females which emphasizes their excitement, yet the fact they are giving into the females which comments on the power the women posses over the men. The floor pattern shows the males always behind and following in the females paths, almost repeating similar movements that the females do which further emphasizes the idea of the females controlling the males actions and the males chasing them. This idea is also finally show at 3:29 when the females run over the backs of the males showing their dominance and power over them. Escamillo, the confident and desired new man in town conveys the idea of his confidence and power over everyone in his dramatic entry at 3:39 as the first movement we see of him is a open, strong and angular jump travelling to stage front. This jump automatically gives us the idea of his superiority over everyone else. His movements are sharp and angular which the choreographer to convey his confident, powerful ersonality and his intriguing use of controlled and dramatic dynamics of movements. The final section performed by the girls shows a soften, less controlling side of them which is communicated by their use of curved, soft movements and powerless dynamics and motions and shows the idea of their admiration and lust toward Escamillo. In conclusion, the use of various dynamics, movement and space is used in the extract to portray the characters, thei r emotions and determine relationships and further enhance and gain a better understanding of the characters to overall convey the narrative.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Big Band Swing Style Of Jazz Essay - 1323 Words
INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING: You should print this page and then use a word processor to prepare your answers. Doing so will allow you to have a copy of your work in the event something should happen when you return online to submit your work. Describe the big-band swing style of jazz. Some considerations that might help you answer this question are: What are the characteristics of the music? What was the size and instrumentation (what instruments) for the big band? Describe the typical swing chart. What are the typical forms used? What was the order for performance? (6 points) The big-band swing style of jazz was often arranged in advance. The standard texture of swing pieces was homophony instead of polyphonic. The melody part was ofen harmonized with block chords underneath. Different instruments often played together to create the same rhythm. The block harmony was used in the brass section as an arrangement and the trumpet was responsible for the melody. The call and response was a common technique used in the big bands. The big bands often consisted of ten or more performers. In regards to instruments, there were usually totally five saxophones, including two alto saxes, two tenor saxes, and one baritone sax. The other woodwind instruments of sax players often doubled, such as flute, clarinet and oboe. There were three to five trumpets. Cornets were often not be used. There were two to five trombone that served as the lower melody under the trumpet chord. The rhythmShow MoreRelatedWhat I Attended A Concert1398 Words  | 6 PagesNorthwest Jazz and Studio Jazz Ensembles perform. Both ensembles performed a variety of songs generally under the jazz genre, featuring artists studied in the course, including Duke Ellington, Count Basie and George Gershwin. 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