Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Life, Death and Pte Essay Writing Samples
Life, Death and Pte Essay Writing Samples Also, the term count is provided at the base of the screen. The Word Count at the base of the screen counts the quantity of words you write. A template not only restrict you in what you want to communicate but additionally it stops you from producing a fantastic writeup. To put it differently, the typical 5-paragraph template which everyone knows is not the best template for the PTE essay section. A well-structured essay has a superior introduction, body paragraphs that are simple to follow and connect with each other, and a great conclusion. Remember which you have to summarize a paragraph so that you have to comprehend what the paragraph is all about and what it is attempting to communicate. The paragraphs should adhere to a pure stream of development and ought to be coherent. If there are several paragraphs, the very first paragraph may be an introduction and last is the conclusion. Who Else Wants to Learn About Pte Essay Writing Samples? Some men and women think women ought to be given equal opportunities to work and excel in their careers. 43-In social circumstances, some people today feel it is much better to be a very good listener than an excellent talker. They will often say that they don't write out an essay plan because they're afraid of wasting valuable time. One must strive hard and the folks who have made a true hard work can achieve it. Certainly, money is a significant role in our lives. So, for a lot of people, it may appear appropriate to marry for money instead of love. To a lot of individuals, it's appropriate to marry for money instead of love. Occasionally a very good instance of what you're attempting to achieve is well worth a 1000 words of advice! You comprehend the subject, you experience an opinion and now you are prepared to attack. The more you attempt to elongate a sentence, the more are the possibility of your making a mistake. If you're unable to acquire the response to the question, then leave it and visit the next, you could always return. Every paper has a lot of vital components and elements you want to think about. Students are ready to commit a frequent mistake of incorporating irrelevant detail. You can boost your vocabulary by reading. The more you attempt to extend your sentences, the more likely you are going to be to earn grammar and punctuation mistakes! Bear in mind, your grammar must be more correct than every other thing. 11-In globalization, it is not possible to be successful if you are unable to speak a foreign language. The more you write essays, the simpler it gets but there are a couple of crucial elements to writing a great essay that you should know in the beginning. The absolute most important issue to comprehend about the write essay task is the fact that it has to be done according to a PTE-specific format. Read the essay quick thoroughly to get a crystal clear and basic comprehension of exactly what you should do. Since you may encounter queries about the topic mentioned here in the later areas of the examination. Getting PR was the sole alternative. Buying sample essays is simpler than you thought. Sample essay writing service is a great way out! Communication has changed significantly in the past ten years. Students should write such varieties of paper throughout their entire studying course. Learning a new language for an early age is helpful for kids. To start with, having subjects like History and Literature in the syllabus makes students conscious of the origin of their nation, culture together with religion. Some people believe teachers should be liable for teaching students to judge what's right and wrong so they can behave well. Some students forget about probably the most significant thing in regards to paper writing. To begin with, the primary reason why I feel students enrol in universities is to find the greater education. Foreign languages ought to be compulsory in the most important school. After you become aware of it, you will begin to do it naturally. If it comes to PTE Academic writing, it's the easiest of all. Prepare for 12 hours every single day, in a couple of months you will be prepared for PTE. PTE was the sole thing where I can improve points to acquire PR. Always re-check for what you've done in the exam up to now in the very last minutes of your exam. In case the content isn't based on the next 7 attributes the score in writing may be zero which will earn a severe influence on the entire score. You do not need to go for PTE classes always, whenever your highest possible preparation can be carried out by sitting at home. A superb PTE practice test is always tough to discover, especially when you're aiming perfect 90.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Evolution - 1502 Words
Charles Darwin had two great themes in quot;On the Origin of Speciesquot; which accounted for the similarities and adaptations characteristic of living organisms. To account for the adaptations of organisms and those innumerable features that equip them for survival and reproduction, Darwin (and Wallace) independently came up with the central theory of evolutionary process: natural selection. Natural selection gives insight in to why organisms are the way that they are. Adaptations are phenotypic variants that result in the highest fitness among a specified set of variants in a given environment. In reference to humans, there are many traits that have been selected and adapted for throughout their evolutionary history giving†¦show more content†¦These ideas together constitute our idea of the evolutionary theory. When you factor in all of these elements of evolution you can view evolution as a quot;progressive development through time from simple to gradually more complex and more diverse organismsquot; (Ayala, 1997). Darwin devoted one single sentence in quot;The Origin of Speciesquot; to the controversial topic of human evolution: quot;Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his historyquot;(Futuyma, 1998). Although his evasion did not work, human evolution is still a controversial topic today. Since this area is so controversial there have been many studies conducted in the area of human evolution. These evolutionary studies have provided us with abundant, well-documented evidence on the relationship of humans to other species, on the steps by which some human characteristics evolved, and on genetic variation within and among human populations. Some theorists believe that natural selection of random changes in nucleic acid sequences and genetic information are the primary agents of evolution. In a study done by J.L. Mountain and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, it was shown that natural selection may have played a major role in the evolution of certain polymorphisms in humans. It was found that the frequencies of ancestral alleles of humans strengthen the conclusion that the earliest major separation of modern humans wasShow MoreRelatedEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution957 Words  | 4 Pagesthe theory of evolution. To understand why the teaching of evolution in school is important, it’s important to understand what it is, how it works, and how we benefit from its evolutionary history. Evolution is the steady development of different kinds of living organisms that have diversified from earlier forms throughout the generations. Without evolution, biology wouldn’t make sense because evolution is its key principle that connects and explains many facets of life. Evolution is a very importantRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1333 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Evolution? Evolution is the modification of characteristics of living organisms over generations (, 2015); it is the gradual process of development by which the present diversity of living organisms arose from the earliest forms of life, which is believed to have been ongoing for at least the past 3000 million years (Hine, 2004). Common ancestry are groups of living organisms that share the most recent common ancestor, by which scientific evidence proves that all life onRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1054 Words  | 5 Pages Evolution is something that can be taken into different meanings, from the way you live. Some people can accept evolution and some can’t. The meaning of evolution is the way a different animal or species came to be, and how they are linked to a different of species that all share a common ancestor (an introduction to evolution). There is a lot of evidence to shows that evolution is can be proven like DNA Sequences, Fossil Records, Cladograms, and analogous/homologous structures, because there areRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1328 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is the theory of evolution? Many people who don’t understand science or Biology don’t know how to answer this question. â€Å"Evolution is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors.†In our society today, there is many conflicts that exist between creationism which is the belief that a higher power created the Earth and made living things and the theory of evolution. Some people are debating whether to teach evolution in schools because theRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1079 Words  | 5 PagesEver wondered when the course of humans began or better yet if people started the way that they are? Modern humans started 200,000 years ago, but were not alway like this. The process of evolution brought us to humans. According to Evolution: The Human Story, evolution is the process by which organisms change over the course of generations. It is also compelling because ancestors can give rise to other relatives or descendants. Archeologists now know that not only humans evolved because paleontologistsRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution884 Words  | 4 Pages Evolution Evolution, a change in the genetic makeup of a subgroup, or population, of a species (Nowicki 10). Every living thing in the world is capable of evolving into something. Cells evolve to perform different tasks and to become stronger. Charles Darwin is the founder of evolution, he realized that species change over time to ensure survival. The future of evolution can not be predicted. Everything in our universe starts out as a single celled organism. All life traces back to three billionRead MoreEvolution Of Evolution And Evolution2000 Words  | 8 Pages Title: Evolution Author: Annette Gonzalez December 9, 2014 Abstract: This paper will cover the topic of evolution of organisms. Evolution is the process of constant change from a lower, more simple to better, complex state (Merriam-Webster, 2014). In this essay, there are different philosophies that support the idea of evolution. For instance, there is anatomical, homology, natural selection evidence. This ideas will be explained in more detail in the body of the paperRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution983 Words  | 4 PagesMost things in science all eventually lead back to one thing, evolution. Evolution has been an interesting topic since mankind could wrap its mind around the concept. Whether one believes in it or not, it is hard to deny the cold hard facts that back up how every being has changed from its original form of life. From plants to humans, everything has adapted and evolved to be able to adjust to climate changes, habitats disappearing, and new predators. All it takes is for one mutated gene to get aRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1154 Words  | 5 Pages EVOLUTION Evolution is a scientific theory that was first introduced in the mid 1800’s and it refers to the biological changes that take place within a population of a specific species over the course of many generations. This theory was one of the most scientifically groundbreaking discoveries of our time, and since its discovery, scientists have been working hard to find more and more evidence on the subject. Although there is much controversy on the subject of evolution, it is hard to ignoreRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1110 Words  | 5 PagesEvolution What is evolution? How did life even come about? People really ask this questions not knowing how this thing called life came about. With this being said this is where we come back to the question of what is evolution. Evolution the process in which life undergo changes over time. Also where organisms are transformed or adjust into something different in order to cope with different surrounding changes. Just like anything else there is more to evolution than just a change over time there
Monday, December 9, 2019
Project Charter and Communication Plan †
Question: Prepare a Project Charter and Communication Plan. Answer: Project Charter Title of the Project Social Media Research Centre Application Development Details of the Project Manager Name of the Project Manager: PrMr Email Address of the Project Manager: Project Duration The duration of the project will be a maximum of 8 Months. High Level Project Budget The allocated budget for the execution and completion of the project activities will be AUD 50,000. The setting up of the social media research centre along with the development of its application will be comprised of several project activities. The cost categories that will be involved will include the ones associated with application design and development, cost of the project resources, tool costs along with testing and closure costs (Focacci, 2011). Project Objectives The application that will be developed for social media research centre will be done in the form of a web portal which will be a web site. The project would aim at development of the web site as per the expectations of the research students and staff members such as professors, guides and mentors. The web site shall allow all of the users to take complete advantage of the information that will be put across by the web site under several research areas and research topics (Mallery, 2011). High Level Scope of the Project Ability to allow the end users with the ability to access research details such as research information, topics, past work done and likewise on a single platform. Ability to allow the end users to gain entry to the web site by allowing them to log in to the same. The application shall be comprised of the updated research details at all times. The application for social media research centre shall be composed of the system qualities such as reliability, supportability, adaptability and performance. Project Deliverables Project Charter: A detailed report focusing upon the details of the initiation phase such as high level scope of the project, key assumptions, limitations, constraints and Measurable Organization value (MOV) Communication Plan: A detailed report on the communication methods and techniques that will be followed during the project timeline (Cho, 2016) Project Plan: A detailed planning document focusing upon the information covered in the planning phase such as resource management, risk management, scope management, time and cost management. Application Code: It would be the source code of the application that is the web site for social media research centre Application Design: It would be the design aspects of the application that is the web site for social media research centre Defect Report: This report will list out the defects that will be detected during the testing phase and will include the defect name, defect description, defect status and priority. Completion Report: This deliverable will mark the end of the project and it will elaborate all the activities that will be completed in the project. Benefits of the Project to the Organization There will be numerous benefits of the project for the organization as the customer base of the same will grow with the services offered by the application that will be developed during the project. The application will offer qualities such as availability and usability which will enhance the performance and the same will also allow the organization to gain a competitive edge in the market (Dutot, 2016). Limitations There are some of the areas and tasks that will not come under project responsibilities and activities. Any of the tasks related with third-party dealings and supplier or vendor negotiations, contract management and likewise will not be included. Also, the project lifecycle will not include the activities around advertising and marketing. Measurable Organizational Value: MOV Impacted Areas Organization The most impacted area will be the organization itself as it will be able to generate new values in the market and will also become capable of providing enhanced services to the customers. Customer The next most impacted area will be the customers as they will be able to experience services of better quality. Social The impact on the social aspects will also be quite significant as there will be numerous entities that will be associated with the project and the organization such as external vendors, suppliers, partners and many more. Financial Financial aspect will also have an impact as the costs will come down in the areas of operation and resources. Strategy Adaptation of the automated systems will also impact the strategy that would be followed in the organization. Values Attribute Value Better Revenues Market Reputation Customer Satisfaction Faster Turnaround time Exception Handling Cheaper Operational Cost Do more Spread of services MOV Metric Type of Stakeholder Expectation of Stakeholder Target Project Sponsor Enhancement in the processing speed along with improved performance in the market leading to increased levels of customer satisfaction It is targeted to increase the processing speed by 33% with increase in market performance and satisfaction levels by 37% End User - Research Students Enhanced turnaround time for the response to the queries around research work Improvement in turnaround time by 43% Partners of the Organization Lesser operational costs Decrease in the costs of operations by 31% End User - Research Guides and Mentors Enhanced turnaround time for the response to the queries around research work Improvement in turnaround time by 43% Employees of the Organization Ease of operation and enhancement of processing speed of operations Use of automation in at least 80% of the operations and services Acceptance Criteria of the Project The deliverables that will be provided in the project will be provided on the following dates. Project Charter: 2nd May 2017 Communication Plan: 1st June 2017 Project Plan: 1st June 2017 Application Design: 112th July 2017 Application Code: 11th September 2017 Defect Report: 17th October 2017 Completion Report:1st December 2017 The entire project has to be completed in a period of eight months. The entire project activities shall be finished under the budget of AUD 50,000. Assumptions Constraints of the Project The entire project has to be completed in a period of eight months. The entire project activities shall be finished under the budget of AUD 50,000. Availability of the resources will be in accordance with the required effort with resource availability as 45 hours per week. Project Sponsor will provide the specifications and requirements along with the funds for the project. Stakeholder List Project Owner/Sponsor Partners of the Project Research Students and Staff Project Manager System Developer System Designer Application Tester Implementation Engineer Technical Analyst Lessons Learned There have been instances in the past that the similar projects have not been able to achieve their business objectives due to occurrences associated with a number of project risks in terms of the time, cost and resources. Such occurrences have had severe negative impacts on the projects and have also impacted their delivery and completion (Nelson, 2005). There will be measures that will be taken in this case in order to make sure that the risks, deviations and delays may be prevented and avoided at every stage. One of the major steps that will be taken towards it would be testing of the project activities all throughout the lifecycle of the project which is otherwise included after the development phase. Also, there will be evaluations that will be carried out by the management and technical experts to make sure that the progress is being made as per the specified techniques and methods (Maravilhas, 2016). Charter Sign Off The sign on the project charter will be provided by the sponsor of the project Name: Signature: Communication Plan Purpose of the Plan The primary purpose of the plan will be to come up with approach and strategies in association with internal and external communication so that an integrated framework of human and non-human resources is formed for the success of the project. The plan would contribute in the removal of ambiguities and enhancement of understanding of the resources. Stakeholders Identification Project Sponsor/Owner The communications with the Project Sponsor will be enhanced as the sponsor will be made available with the status report of the project on a weekly basis. This report will be sent by the Project Manger and it will comprise of the project status, list of defects and overall progress made during the week. Also, there will be discussions in the form of weekly meetings with the sponsor on the progress and other details (Williams, Lewis, 2008). Project Resources The resources of the project will be the prime entities that will be involved with the project and the success of the project will also depend upon these resources. There will be modes of communication that will be provided for internal discussions and external discussions to the project resources. Partners The primary discussion and passage of information to the partners of the organization and the project will be provided by the sponsor. The major discussions will take place with the representative of the internal resources as the Project Manager. End Users The end users will be made available with the end product in the form of a developed web application and alerts will be created upon the completion of the same (Papulova, 2016). Information Sharing Communication will be essential for sharing the information as well as the information will flow between the internal as well as external entities. The internal project resources will be provided with the shared information associated with the various aspects of the project such as specifications, cost, schedule, tracking of resources, guidelines, methodologies and likewise. The external entities will be mainly interested in the project progress and the status along with the main defects that will be encountered. Information Exchange - Frequency The status of the project will be communicated with exchange of the status reports internally and externally. The internal exchange will be done daily and the external exchange will be done weekly. Information on the progress, conflicts and disputes will be exchanged internally through team meetings and team discussions that will take place daily in the morning. External meetings will occur between Project Manager and Project Sponsor at the end of the week. There may also be occurrence of risks or priority work during the project which will be discussed and exchanged with immediate meetings. Information Exchange Location External communication will take place with sponsor and partners over the emails, tele-conferencing mediums and the files will be shared by placing them on the SharePoint location. Internal communications will take place through emails, phone conversations and audio or video conferencing as well. Purpose of Communication The primary purpose of project communications will be to come up with approach and strategies in association with internal and external communication so that an integrated framework of human and non-human resources is formed for the success of the project. Communication activities would contribute in the removal of ambiguities and enhancement of understanding of the resources (Wilson, 2004). Communication Mechanism There are several mechanisms that can be used in the project for enhancement of the communication platforms. Internal communications will be completed with the aid of modes such as emails, phones and teleconferencing mediums with in-person meetings in the organization meeting rooms. The external communication mechanisms that will be used will include teleconferencing and emails. Change Management There may be a number of changes that may come up during the project lifecycle at any of the project stages. It is often observed that these changes lead to a lot of re-work and involvement of too many resources during the project. It is therefore essential to come up with the methodologies and preparation efforts to handle these changes with perfection and with the ability to incorporate them with ease. The change management approach that will be followed in this project will include the phased and step by step approach. The changes will be defined in the form of change request document approved by the project owner or sponsor. The document will describe the change and its requirement along with the resources that will be required in the same. The resource allocation will then be performed followed by implementation of the changes (Brady, 2008). Meeting Agenda Meetings will be essential during the project lifecycle and will have significance internally as well as externally. These meeting that will be conducted internally and externally will have the following agenda: The meetings shall be conducted in order to understand the project progress along with the status of the project. The meetings shall aim at the resolution of the conflicts and disputes associated with the project. The meeting shall aim at the problem solving and decision making abilities along with the creation of new concepts and ideas. The meetings shall involve active participation from the project resources and shall be facilitated by the Project Manager. The meetings shall include the use of polite tone even in discussion and explanation of the associated project conflict or any matter of dispute. The meetings shall be conducted as per the ethical and professional codes of conduct. The meetings shall be conducted in order to enhance the project quality along with that of the activities involved in the project. References Brady, M. (2008). Analysis of a public sector organizational unit using strategic and operational analysis tools. Knowledge And Process Management, 15(2), 140-149. Cho, S. (2016). Raising Seoul's global competitiveness: developing key performance indicators. Journal Of Public Affairs. Dutot, V. (2016). Social media and business intelligence: defining and understanding social media intelligence. Journal Of Decision Systems, 25(3), 191-192. Focacci, A. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility performance assessment by using a linear combination of key indicators. International Journal Of Business Governance And Ethics, 6(2), 183. Mallery, M. (2011). Project Management Portal (PMP) from the University of Washington Information Technology Wiki - Technical Services Quarterly, 28(3), 365-367. Maravilhas, S. (2016). Social Media Intelligence for Business. International Journal Of Organizational And Collective Intelligence, 6(4), 19-44. Nelson, J. (2005). Corporate governance practices, CEO characteristics and firm performance. Journal Of Corporate Finance, 11(1-2), 197-228. Papulova, Z. (2016). Role of Strategic Analysis in Strategic Decision-Making. Procedia Economics And Finance, 39, 571-579. Williams, W., Lewis, D. (2008). Strategic management tools and public sector management. Public Management Review, 10(5), 653-671. Wilson, A. (2004). How process defines performance management. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management, 53(3), 261-267.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles
This book focuses on a greater scope of the involvement of women in the production of textiles and the author presents it in a way of a historical literature. There have been other literary accounts of women and textile but most of the books concentrate on the home-based factory.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This book has broadened the research by focusing on a larger scope of the women in the textile industry. The entry of women in other aspects of life such as social, political, economic, ethnic, and cultural aspects began with their involvement in the textile industry. The book depicts the fact throughout its entire text. Apparently, the needle and textile industry has not been accorded due attention by most scholars, but this book has given great insight on this subject. This book has given the needle and texti le industry a historic recognition alluding to their impacts and influence to the present innovations. The book has shown how different gender and ethnic identities formed with the involvement of women in this industry. This is when the feminine culture arose and the introduction of economic empowerment of the women began. The book is actually a collection of essays by different authors. The discussion revolves around a certain dress that was made with concealed trousers and the dress is commonly referred to as the â€Å"Willard dress.†The Willard Dress, though we cannot find any existing examples, symbolizes the ways that the individual embroidery could take on not only realistic but political scopes, in the customs that women endeavored to poise their personal political schedules, like suffrage, with manifestations in order to uphold a firm modesty in an antagonistic political atmosphere. These political ideas are drawn more openly in Part III, â€Å"Politics, and Design in Yarn and Thread.†Advertising Looking for book review on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The editors describe politics reasonably at this point, to their recognition, acknowledging the politics of the women culture at the back, knitting for militia during a period of war. Most of the essays outline the customs that material manufacture shifted from a woman’s requirement to the formation of textile items surrounding an enormous compilation of meanings. For instance, one of the essays examines the launch of the home embroidery appliance into the countryside during the post-World War II Canada, permitting women to not only scrimp and save their own home’s possessions, but also to maintain the most modern fashions for themselves and their families. Women took incredible satisfaction in their designs, acknowledging the way that they customized the designs to make individualized patterns that represent ed their own identity. In the essays, some authors argue that quilting liberated the industry by offering cheap fabric that was affordable to all the women across all the social classes available at that time. The book shows how women used stitching to save and preserve cultural and family records that would serve records of family history. The quilts are the perfect texts that can be used to trace and explain the culture of women. During this era as the book alludes, there were many cultural practices that shaped the behavior and conduct of women even in the present day generation. The book shows clearly the intersection of race and ethnicity and textiles. Quilting introduced the Western missionaries who also turned to be the oppressors of their subjects. Concisely the book shows how the women cultural practices introduced the political outfits in the African world. Similarly, restorations in the art of the Mandala, â€Å"the conventional Puerto Rican art of handmade bobbin lace,à ¢â‚¬ symbolize reinforcement in Puerto Rican ethnic uniqueness that has helped encourage the traveler’s trade. Amusingly, Mandela also continues to back Puerto Rico’s long account of relocation and the conflict and associations linking original, African, and European traditions. In addition, the formation of mundillo for American expenditure shows the island’s place in a superior history of work and abuse in the twentieth century, as the formation of market merchandise commence to shift to cheaper, and less easily synchronized, locales.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although this appraisal cannot assert to be comprehensive, the effort under contemplation is an outstanding input to the increasing field of material culture studies. The contributor signifies an extensive collection of discipline â€â€the editor’s verdict to embrace quite a few museum curators in the position of these writers, for instance, gives the work a unique viewpoint. The striking illustrations also present an extra length of each author’s argument. While there are definite stories that motionlessly remain a plain debate about the function of women in sweatshop manual labor in the behind schedule twentieth century comes to mentality ,the essays in this quantity would nevertheless hand-round not merely as an outstanding accompaniment to upper-level learner or graduate route in history, myths, women’s studies, or museum studies. From an erudite standpoint, they present motivation into the infinite empire of the connotation of women’s work, in addition to the transfer in women’s job over time. This book represents the ideal women’s culture and the influence of the material industry especially in the textile industry on women’s culture. The term material culture was first used in the 19th century and early 20th century to refer to the relationship between artifacts and social relations. Materials have greatly influenced the African culture in a number of dimensions. The African culture takes many forms and the material used in different cultures shapes all these forms. The book has clearly outlined the impact and the social balances and imbalances based on gender orientations. Gender disparities have been based on materials and cultural beliefs that have borrowed significant practices from the same.Advertising Looking for book review on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The book is a good collection of essays written by many people who have specialized in the study of artifacts. This book therefore is a legitimate source of information in regards to African culture. The arguments and debates presented are well organized and quite convincing. The book is insightful and detailed touching on all aspects of African culture. Textiles are part of the African culture and cannot be detached from them. It has been a culture within the African people for a number of centuries and in West Africa, this culture is still embraced. Textile has many myths and spiritual meanings and some symbolize some good and bad omens. As suggested in the book, women’s culture was created around the textile and needle industry. The current modern woman started her formation from the error of needles and textile. The textile industry gave the women financial empowerment and hence giving them a highway to greatness and liberty. With the empowered women, the possibility of h aving a democratic society was realized and that is why it is correct to say that women are the backbone of modern civilization. This book review on Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles was written and submitted by user Haven F. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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