Tuesday, November 26, 2019
High Temperature Thermoplastics
High Temperature Thermoplastics When we talk about polymers, the most common distinctions we come across are Thermosets and Thermoplastics. Thermosets have the property of being able to be shaped only once while thermoplastics can be reheated and remolded to several attempts. Thermoplastics further can be divided into commodity thermoplastics, engineering thermoplastics (ETP) and high-performance thermoplastics (HPTP). High-performance thermoplastics, also known as high-temperature thermoplastics, have melting points between 6500 and 7250 F which is up to 100% more than standard engineering thermoplastics. High-temperature thermoplastics are known to retain their physical properties at higher temperatures and exhibit thermal stability even in the longer run. These thermoplastics, therefore, have higher heat deflection temperatures, glass transition temperatures, and continuous use temperature. Because of its extraordinary properties, high-temperature thermoplastics can be used for a diverse set of industries such as electrical, medical devices, automotive, aerospace, telecommunications, environmental monitoring, and many other specialized applications. Advantages of High-Temperature Thermoplastics Enhanced Mechanical PropertiesHigh-temperature thermoplastics show a high level of toughness, strength, stiffness, resistance to fatigue and ductility. Resistance to DamagesHT thermoplastics show increased resistance to chemicals, solvents, radiation and heat, and do not disintegrate or lose its form upon exposure. RecyclableSince high-temperature thermoplastics have the ability to be remolded several times, they can be easily recycled and still display the same dimensional integrity and strength as before. Types of High-Performance Thermoplastics Polyamideimides (PAIs)High-performance polyamides (HPPAs)Polyimides (PIs)PolyketonesPolysulfone derivatives-aPolycyclohexane dimethyl-terephthalates (PCTs)FluoropolymersPolyetherimides (PEIs)Polybenzimidazoles (PBIs)Polybutylene terephthalates (PBTs)Polyphenylene sulfidesSyndiotactic polystyrene Noteworthy High-Temperature Thermoplastics Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)PEEK is a crystalline polymer that has good thermal stability because of its high melting point (300 C). It is inert to common organic and inorganic liquids and thus has high chemical resistance. In order to enhance mechanical and thermal properties, PEEK is created with fiberglass or carbon reinforcements. It has high strength and good fiber adhesion, so does not wear and tear easily. PEEK also enjoys the advantage of being non-flammable, good dielectric properties, and exceptionally resistant to gamma radiation but at a higher cost. Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)PPS is a crystalline material that is known for its striking physical properties. Apart from being highly temperature resistant, PPS is resistant to chemicals such as organic solvents and inorganic salts and can be used as a corrosion resistant coating. The brittleness of PPS can be overcome by adding fillers and reinforcements which also have a positive impact on PPS’s strength, dimensional stability, and electrical properties. Polyether Imide (PEI)PEI is an amorphous polymer that exhibits high-temperature resistance, creep resistance, impacts strength and rigidity. PEI is extensively used in the medical and electrical industries because of its nonflammability, radiation resistance, hydrolytic stability and ease of processing. Polyetherimide (PEI) is an ideal material for a variety of medical and food contact applications and is even approved by the FDA for food contact. KaptonKapton is a polyimide polymer that is able to withstand a wide range of temperatures. It is known for its exceptional electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties, making it applicable for use in a variety of industries such as automotive, consumer electronics, solar photovoltaic, wind energy and aerospace. Because of its high durability, it can withstand demanding environments. Future of High Temp Thermoplastics There have been advancements with regards to high-performance polymers previously and it would continue to be so because of the range of applications that can be carried out. Since these thermoplastics have high glass transition temperatures, good adhesion, oxidative and thermal stability along with toughness, their use is expected to increase by many industries. Additionally, as these high-performance thermoplastics are more commonly manufactured with continuous fiber reinforcement, their use and acceptance will continue.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
When Most is Enough
When Most is Enough When Most is Enough When Most is Enough By Maeve Maddox It must be one of those in your face gestures of defiance. It cant be that they dont know better. Im referring to the way so many bloggers create headlines that place a most in front of an adjective that already has the superlative -est suffix: The internets Most Rudest and Obnoxious people Mumbai, India is the MOST RUDEST city in the world The Seven Most Awesomest Idol Moments This Season A Gawker Guide to the Most Awesomest Election Ever Sometimes least is used instead of most in order to compare in the opposite direction: 100 Least Awesomest Things ever Then there are the online novels: at that very moment the most awfullest, most terriblest, most unpleasantest thing imaginable happened! Such pervasive examples of incorrect usage cant be much help to readers for whom English is not the first language. English adjectives form their comparative/superlative forms in one of two ways: 1. by adding the suffixes -er and -est: dark/darker/darkest; simple/simpler/simplest; mean/meaner/meanest 2. by using the words more and most in front of the basic adjective: pleasant/more pleasant/most pleasant awesome/more awesome/most awesome I wont go into the various rules based on number of syllables and stressed or unstressed vowels. Its probably enough to know that adjectives that are short and/or easy to say, form their comparatives with -er and -est. Polysyllabic adjectives that sound clumsy with those endings form their comparatives with more and most. Sometimes the choice is a matter of individual preference. For example, one speaker may prefer handsome/more handsome/most handsome while another likes the sound of handsome/handsomer/handsomest. When in doubt, go with the more/most construction. Most awesomest is not an option for the writer who desires to write standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesTaser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Quiet or Quite?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
AIDS in Africa in the 20th Century Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
AIDS in Africa in the 20th Century - Term Paper Example food, clothes, etc. Soon enough, however, they are not only confronted with economic distress alone but also with an insurmountable social disaster. Apparently, two of the most prevalent social issues they are facing are stigmatization and discrimination. These issues are evident in a study about the women in Nigeria. This paper argues that these two social issues--stigmatization and discrimination--are the top reasons why AIDS survives up until the 20th century and beyond. Even so, both social issues worsen the problem of AIDS in Africa. Lastly, this paper suggests that if the government and other interventionists alike are really serious with their aim of eliminating AIDS in Africa, they should first gear their efforts on eliminating these two social issues. AIDS as a Social Construct Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a condition brought about by HIV infection. As the disease’s name suggests, the HIV infection would make the body’s immune system deficient , making it more susceptible for other infections that may potentially compromise body functioning (Stolley and Glass 2009, 5). However, beyond this scientific definition, AIDS became known as a more complex problem. In a study by Keniston (1989, 2), he revealed that AIDS resonates problems in public health, politics, psychological processes, education, as well as issues regarding public attitude and morals. Moreover, Keniston (1989, 2) pointed out that AIDS is more of a social construct than a biological one. To date, it seems that the same still holds true. First and foremost, the spread of the virus is enacted within the sexual behavior of two individuals--clearly a social interaction. Second, cultural and social structures help shape and condition the behaviors and interactions that further spread AIDS (Keniston 1989, 2). For instance, the African society’s poverty prods women to engage in sexual trades, thereby, perpetrating the disease. Lastly, societal notions regardin g AIDS give rise to the concepts of stigma and discrimination, which contribute to oppression towards African women as well as to the worsening of Africa’s problem on AIDS. Stigma and Discrimination Stigmatization Defined In ancient times, stigma is a Greek term used to symbolize the mark on the flesh of a scandalous character, â€Å"a traitor, criminal, or slave†(Harvey 2001, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209). Additionally, a famous definition states that stigma is characterized as a â€Å"discrediting within a particular social interaction, as a spoiled social identity and a deviation from the attributes considered normal and acceptable by society†(Harvey et al. 2001, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209). Interestingly, a study made by Inside-Out Research (2003, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209) regarding South Africa, provides a two-fold definition of stigma: (1) internal stigma, an internal remorse that further makes the victim hide her condition, thereby, declining assista nce and access to resources, and (2) enacted or external stigma, which implies discrimination and society’s fear of association with a person who has HIV or AIDS. Factors That Brought Stigmatization A study asserts that certain natural and socio-demographic factors influence HIV/AIDS stigmatization and discrimination among women in Lagos State, Nigeria. Among these factors are related to what Liz
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Keystone Pipeline Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Keystone Pipeline Project - Research Paper Example activists have continuously urged president Obama to reject the project, counting on his track record of acknowledging the impact of climate change on humanity. The activists classify the project as among the biggest challenges world faces today. Objections to projects of huge magnitude are always necessary (Ruchti, 2010) Case against Implementation of Keystone Pipeline Project White House officials and numerous other state departmental staff have continuously insisted that a ruling by the Obama administration on the keystone XL will be entirely based upon environmental, security and economic factors. Activists have been using the project to test the president’s commitment towards environmental protection efforts, and while the intended economic benefits are huge, the projects negative impact on the environment pits environmental conservation efforts versus economic gains (Roode & Ruchti, 2010). White house officials have stated that the project is neither a component of the c ountry’s policy on climate, nor a means for bargaining on trade issues with other countries, especially Canada as the case on Keystone in this case Canada (Kadrmas, 2009). (i). Negative impact of keystone pipeline on the environment Research suggests that the Keystone Pipeline Project’s negative impact on the environment and climate especially along the proposed route far out weight the intended economic benefits that might be derived from the project (Kadrmas, 2009). Profits gained from investment in the pipeline system might be immediate and worth the cause, but the long term degradation of the environment will negatively influence every aspect of the lives of Americans living along the pipeline, from current to future generations. The project is harmful to the ecosystem and the... The project itself is worthwhile and of great economic implications. Jobs will be created as well as energy. If the Obama administration approves implementation of the keystone pipeline project, the resultant effect of job creation and economic gain aside, there will also be a tremendous increase in greenhouse emissions on the atmosphere. Pollution of land, air and water will be one of the major implications of the project. Because of its magnitude, the world climate will be affected by this single pipeline project in terms of global warming. The government should instead resolve on how clean energy can be produced and recycled since appetite for oil will always exist if not increase with the ever growing population. Structures to check operations of such plants should be put in place and reviewed regularly before projects such as Keystone pipeline are implemented. Compensation for land should be concerned with satisfactorily paying land owners the equivalent of the value of their la nd and additional costs of eviction. The concern for the environment should be the top priority for projects such as Keystone since reversing the effects of environmental degradation is nearly impossible.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Goal Setting Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Goal Setting Worksheet Essay Review this week’s resources (for example SMART criteria, and the Career Plan Building Activities). Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1.Describe one academic goal that you have created using the SMART criteria. How do SMART criteria contribute to your academic goals? One academic goal I’ve created using the SMART criteria is trying to submit all assignments on time. The SMART criteria contributes to my academic goal by teaching me to keep myself positive. Even though I may come to a bump in the road, SMART teaches me to stay humble and tell myself that I can do it, I can achieve any goal(s) I set for myself. 2.Describe one professional/career goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? One professional/career goal I have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities result was to find at least three or four people in the Healthcare Administration field, get their general outlook of the field, and see if any volunteer work is available. By doing this I will gain much knowledge, and get a chance to experience what I plan to do as my dream job. 3.Describe the stress and time-management strategies you have learned this week that will help you achieve your goals. This week I’ve learned to schedule myself to achieve any goals I set. I learned to make schedules for everything for the week and attempt to follow them. With never knowing how or what will happen throughout the week especially being eight months pregnant, writing everything down always help. For instance, to help me achieve my participation points and my discussion question responses credit, I write my responses to the discussion questions down, and throughout the week I respond to my fellow classmates responses. I do that, and then on Friday and Saturday, I type up my responses to the discussion questions and submit my homework assignments, so that’s less stress on me on making sure I receive full participation credit. 4.Describe how you will balance academic expectations and your personal and professional responsibilities. I will keep myself on a schedule, and keep myself organized to balance all my responsibilities. With academic expectations I would take at least six or seven hours out of my day a week to mainly focus on nothing but all my school work. Doing that I feel I will have ample enough time to focus on my personal and professional responsibilities. When it comes to my responsibilities, I always set aside more than enough time. I do that so if anything unexpected comes up it will not interfere with nothing else I have planned or scheduled. 5.How can understanding the importance of SMART criteria and your career interests and competencies help you move towards your career and academic goals? I feel that knowing this vital information will help me move towards my career and academic goals by motivating me. I say that because its always good to know your strengths and weaknesses. It’s good to know what you are good in or what more you can put up with, so once you get into your professional career you know what type of situations, people, and jobs to avoid. For example, if you are a person who doesn’t have the tolerance for elementary or middle school children, but your major is education, its best you get a job as a high school teacher, college professor, or work at the department of education. You wouldn’t want to get a job in the field you love, but hate the work you have to deal with, so its always good to find out what you can put up with so everyone will be happy.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Abortion Essays -- essays research papers
John T. Noonan makes the argument that the jump in probability for a fetus’ coming to term, at a specific point in the development of the fetus, has an important implication for the humanity (personhood) of the fetus. He bases this argument on the reasoning that â€Å"life itself is a matter of probabilities, and most moral reasoning is an estimate of probabilities.†He goes on to state that his argument in which a fetus has an implication for the humanity of the fetus is strictly an â€Å"appeal to probabilities that actually exist.†To demonstrate his point concerning probabilities he uses an analogy. The analogy he uses is of a man who shoots into the bushes because of movement in the bushes. If the chances of this movement in the bushes being a man were 200 million to one, then no one would think anything of him firing away into the bushes. However, if the chances are 4 out of 5 that the movement is a man, then you would not be justified in firing into the b ushes. He uses this analogy to relate it to the development of a baby. When a male ejaculates he emits about 200 million spermatozoa. Of these 200 million, only one single spermatozoon has a chance to develop into a zygote. Noonan says that therefore, if one spermatozoon is destroyed than you’re only destroying a being that had a one in 200 million chance of ever developing into a reasoning being. This would be similar to the case of shooting into the bushes when there is a one in 200 million chance that the movement is that of a man. On the other hand, if a fetus is destroyed, then you’re terminating a being that had â€Å"an 80 percent chance of developing further into a baby outside the womb who, in time, would reason.†This would be similar to shooting into the bushes when the movement has a 4 out of 5 chance of being that of a man. The probability of the baby becoming a full being of reason drastically changes from a single spermatozoon (1 in 200 million) t o a fetus (4 out of 5). This probability change is important because it leads you to believe that aborting a fetus is wrong because of the high probability it has of becoming a being of reason.      Judith Jarvis Thomson offers a rather interesting analogy to an unwanted pregnancy. Thomson begins her analogy with the hypothetical situation of waking up and finding oneself wired by their circulatory system to a stranger. The stranger... ... in which the father is some heinous creep would just be plain wrong. Not to mention that she didn’t want this pregnancy in the first place. I also believe that a mother’s right to life is just as important as a fetus’s right to life. Therefore, if going through with a pregnancy would be life threatening then a mother should have the right to abort the fetus. If a mother would choose to die in order for the baby to be born then it would be an incredible superrogative good, but she is under no obligation to sacrifice herself on behalf of the fetus. If a person has taken a responsible and reasonable precaution not to get pregnant, but does, then I feel they should also have the right to abort the fetus. I just think that as long as a conscious effort was made to prevent pregnancy, then it is morally permissible to have an abortion. Abortion would not be morally permissible, in my opinion, for cases in which it is done for the sake of convenience. I strongly bel ieve that a fetus’s right to life outweighs any convenience issues in which the parents might have.                     Abortion Essays -- essays research papers John T. Noonan makes the argument that the jump in probability for a fetus’ coming to term, at a specific point in the development of the fetus, has an important implication for the humanity (personhood) of the fetus. He bases this argument on the reasoning that â€Å"life itself is a matter of probabilities, and most moral reasoning is an estimate of probabilities.†He goes on to state that his argument in which a fetus has an implication for the humanity of the fetus is strictly an â€Å"appeal to probabilities that actually exist.†To demonstrate his point concerning probabilities he uses an analogy. The analogy he uses is of a man who shoots into the bushes because of movement in the bushes. If the chances of this movement in the bushes being a man were 200 million to one, then no one would think anything of him firing away into the bushes. However, if the chances are 4 out of 5 that the movement is a man, then you would not be justified in firing into the b ushes. He uses this analogy to relate it to the development of a baby. When a male ejaculates he emits about 200 million spermatozoa. Of these 200 million, only one single spermatozoon has a chance to develop into a zygote. Noonan says that therefore, if one spermatozoon is destroyed than you’re only destroying a being that had a one in 200 million chance of ever developing into a reasoning being. This would be similar to the case of shooting into the bushes when there is a one in 200 million chance that the movement is that of a man. On the other hand, if a fetus is destroyed, then you’re terminating a being that had â€Å"an 80 percent chance of developing further into a baby outside the womb who, in time, would reason.†This would be similar to shooting into the bushes when the movement has a 4 out of 5 chance of being that of a man. The probability of the baby becoming a full being of reason drastically changes from a single spermatozoon (1 in 200 million) t o a fetus (4 out of 5). This probability change is important because it leads you to believe that aborting a fetus is wrong because of the high probability it has of becoming a being of reason.      Judith Jarvis Thomson offers a rather interesting analogy to an unwanted pregnancy. Thomson begins her analogy with the hypothetical situation of waking up and finding oneself wired by their circulatory system to a stranger. The stranger... ... in which the father is some heinous creep would just be plain wrong. Not to mention that she didn’t want this pregnancy in the first place. I also believe that a mother’s right to life is just as important as a fetus’s right to life. Therefore, if going through with a pregnancy would be life threatening then a mother should have the right to abort the fetus. If a mother would choose to die in order for the baby to be born then it would be an incredible superrogative good, but she is under no obligation to sacrifice herself on behalf of the fetus. If a person has taken a responsible and reasonable precaution not to get pregnant, but does, then I feel they should also have the right to abort the fetus. I just think that as long as a conscious effort was made to prevent pregnancy, then it is morally permissible to have an abortion. Abortion would not be morally permissible, in my opinion, for cases in which it is done for the sake of convenience. I strongly bel ieve that a fetus’s right to life outweighs any convenience issues in which the parents might have.                    Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Philosophy of Richard Rorty Essay
In his philosophy as ‘edifying’ Rorty is at the midst of explaining the conceptual framework of the nature of philosophy in the past, present as well as the future. According to him, his philosophical framework comprises of editing the works and other philosophical conceptual thoughts. He thinks that, what other philosophers talk about philosophy in the ancient times, the modern and the future are unworthy and needs pragmatic changes to adequately meet philosophical reasoning.            However, in his philosophizing capacity, he has met various opposition from the community. They term his philosophy as unpalatable and without full exploration to the authentic nature of philosophical thoughts. Elsewhere, they accuse his philosophical thought as implausible with pragmatic thought, unclear, unconvincing and with full of misappropriation. However, a portion of the population argues that such philosophy is humanly liberating with profound image of exhilaration. According to his proposes, his philosophy provides a conception of changing imagery of the critique of philosophy in the real worldview. Since his philosophy comprehends challenge to the works of great thinkers, it would be illogical to undermine at a close range of his activity. Elsewhere, he made a fast sensibility and also formal response the cultural biography of philosophical adventures with the pragmatic world and his system of philosophizing which comprise of finding, naming and/or creating new hypothetical philosophical literature is perhaps the best way to gain and create philosophical knowledge. (http://www.crvp.org/book/Series03/III-13/chapter_x.htm) However, his philosophical sense is illusionary and incoherent to the factual knowledge search. His attack to the philosophical literatures is based on fallacious context which is only aimed at bringing personal tribute to the broad society. In my personal capacity, I think Richard is out of philosophical senses to edify the coherent philosophical biographies which have done a lot to shadow down global dogmatism. His edifying activity is only made to retract the accuracy of philosophical teachings from its liberal coherency. (http://www.crvp.org/book/Series03/III-13/chapter_x.htm) Reference Rorty: From Philosophy To Post-Philosophy. Retrieved on 10th March 2008, from http://www.crvp.org/book/Series03/III-13/chapter_x.htm
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Origin of the Internet Essay
The Internet as we know it originates from government-funded research into networking technologies with strategic applications. Journalist and erstwhile Internet historian David Hudson (14-16) observes that the ARPANET or Advanced Research Projects Agency Network formed the technical backbone of what would become the Internet. The ARPANET was a communications network in which each node had equal network privileges. The rationale behind this decentralized architecture was that regardless of which node on the network would be destroyed, the network’s functionality would not be compromised. This is perhaps what distinguishes the Internet most from other communications technologies, and is possible due to the development of packet switching and TCP/IP which enabled data to be sent discontinuously to circumvent the need for a dedicated data stream. However, it was not until the ARPANET was interlinked with the NSFNet in the mid-70s that the term â€Å"Internet†began to attain increasing currency among network professionals. Furthermore, the increasing adoption by other nations as well as universities and research institutions of TCP/IP permitted the expansion of the ARPANET’s fundamental architecture, effectively increasing the geographical coverage of the emerging network. (National Science Foundation 10-12) What truly permitted the Internet to integrate itself into the lives of individuals beyond government and research was the rise of several applications and protocols that increased its ‘extracurricular’ potential, most notably hypertext. Hypertext within a computer networking context was developed by CERN’s Tim Berners-Lee but was made ubiquitous by Marc Andreessen’s Mosaic browser, which was the first web browser to gain mass acceptance. Since then, the Web has become the popular face of the Internet. Works Cited Hudson, David. Rewired. Indianapolis, Indiana: MacMillan Technical Publishing, 1997. Aboba, Bernard. The Online User’s Encyclopedia: Bulletin Boards and Beyond. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994. National Science Foundation. America’s Investment in the Future, The Internet: Changing the Way We Communicate. Retrieved October 30, 2008 from: http://www. nsf. gov/about/history/nsf0050/pdf/internet. pdf
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Hidden Truth About Essay Writing Services
The Hidden Truth About Essay Writing Services The Hidden Truth About Essay Writing Services: What Most of Them Dont Want You to Know There are dozens of academic paper writing services on the internet at any given time. Every single one of them promises college students that they will provide them with essays, research papers, and other documents that are guaranteed to help them earn the high grades they want. The majority of these services count on a few things: Students are broke and always looking for cheapest price. Desperation over writing assignments leads to making desperate decisions. Many students will not research the claims that they make. If a writing service develops a bad reputation, they can simply close up shop and open up again under a new name. That's right! These writing services see students just like yourself as lazy, cheap, and incapable of taking a logical approach when it comes to dealing with your workload. Keep reading, if you can stomach it, to learn more about the rip-off tactics these companies use. It All Starts With Rock Bottom Pricing Essays at Pennies Per Page! Dissertations for $100 dollars! Research Papers Completed in Under an Hour – Only $25 dollars! The people in charge of marketing and advertising for these services advertise these prices because they want to attract people with extremely cheap prices. What they do not count on is that smart students might be skeptical when they see these offers. For example, how does a company survive if they only charge pennies per page to write an essay? Let's break this down. In order to deliver an original essay to a customer that is guaranteed to be acceptable to a college instructor, there are several costs that must be considered. These include: Paying the Writer Paying for Overhead and Marketing Paying for quality assurance and editing Considering that each page of an essay is likely to take at least 15 minutes to write, is it realistic to assume that this is a a realistic offer? Of course it isn't. Now, the real question, how do these writing services offer these papers at such low prices, and how do they guarantee that these papers can be written so quickly? The essays and research papers are not original. Writing services that make these rock bottom pricing claims, or who offer papers within an unrealistic period of time simply resell the same papers over and over again. What to Expect From Reputable Essay Writing Services Good essay writing services will offer discounts, but their pricing will take into consideration the following things: Writers will be college graduates and be paid a fair wage All work will original and custom written No impossible claims will be made about the amount of time that it will take to complete an essay or research paper. Here is a good rule of thumb. If you are paying less than ten dollars per page for a research paper or essay, you should be suspicious. The writing service that you are using is taking shortcuts somewhere, and those shortcuts could destroy your academic career. How to Research Writing Services First and foremost, never do business with a writing service that makes the outrageous claims mentioned above. However, in addition to this, there are other steps that you can take to insure that you are dealing with reputable company... Make sure their website is well designed and that all links work Read customer review and commentary Ask about originality guarantees Read the blogs and other posts Of course, the best method of determining whether or not a writing service is okay, is to simply contact their customer service or sales agents to see what they have to say. If the information they provide is realistic and reliable, there is a good chance that the company behind the website is also above board.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Princess Louise, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife
The Princess Louise, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife Princess Louise Facts Known for: sixth British princess named Princess Royal; daughter of King Edward VII, and granddaughter of Queen VictoriaDates: February 20, 1867 – January 4, 1931Also known as: Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife, The Princess Louise, Princess Louise of Wales (at birth) Background, Family: Mother: Alexandra of Denmark (1844 – 1925): Alexandra, Princess of Wales, at the birth of Princess Louise, and later Queen Alexandra. Alexandra was the daughter of Christian IX of Denmark and his consort, Louise of Hesse-Kassel.Father: Edward (1841 – 1910), Prince of Wales, at the birth of Princess Louise, and later King Edward VII. Edward was the son of Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert.Siblings: Prince Albert Victor (1864 – 1892), George V (1865 – 1936), Princess Victoria (1868 – 1935), Princess Maud (1869 – 1938, Queen consort of Norway), Prince Alexander John (1871 – 1871) Marriage, Children: Husband:  Alexander Duff, 6th Earl Fife, later 1st Duke of Fife (married July 27, 1889, died 1912) Children: Alistair Duff (1890 – 1890)Princess Alexandra, 2nd Duchess of Fife (1891 – 1959): married Prince Arthur of Connaught and Strathearn, a grandson of Queen VictoriaPrincess Maud, Countess of Southesk (1893 – 1945): married Charles Carnegie, 11th Earl of Southesk Princess Louise Biography: Born at Marlborough House in London, the Princess Louise of Wales, she was the first daughter born after two sons. Two more sisters arrived the following two years, and the three girls were rather close to each other in their youth, known for being very active though all became more shy and withdrawn as they grew up. They were educated by governesses. In 1895, the three sisters were among the bridesmaids at the wedding of their aunt, Princess Beatrice, youngest of Queen Victoria’s daughters. Because her father had two sons who could succeed him, Louise’s mother did not think that the daughters should marry. Victoria, the sister who followed Louise, never did. Louise nevertheless married Alexander Duff, who was the sixth Earl Fife and a descendant of William IV through one of that king’s illegitimate children. Her husband was created a duke when they married in 1889, just a month after their engagement. Louise’s first child was a stillborn son, born soon after their marriage. Two daughters, Alexandra  and Maud, born in 1891 and 1893, completed the family. When Louise’s eldest brother died in 1892 at the age of 28, her next eldest brother, George, became the second in the line of succession, after their father, Edward. This put Louise third in line, and unless Louise’s only surviving brother, then unmarried, had legitimate offspring, her daughters would be next in the line of succession – and they were, unless royal decree changed their status, technically commoners. In 1893, George married Mary of Teck who had been engaged to his older brother, thus making the succession of Louise or her daughters unlikely. Louise hosted the marriage of her brother. Princess Louise, after her marriage, lived quite privately. Her father succeeded his mother, Queen Victoria, in 1901, and in 1905 bestowed on Louise the title of Princess Royal, a title reserved for the eldest daughter of a reigning monarch, though not always given. She was the sixth such Princess Royal. At the same time, her daughters were created princesses and given the title of highness. They were the only female-line descendants of a British sovereign to be given the title of Princess of Great Britain and Ireland. In December of 1911, on a trip to Egypt, the family was shipwrecked off Morocco. The Duke became ill of pleurisy, and died the next month. His eldest daughter by Louise, Alexandra, inherited the title of Duchess. She married a first cousin once removed, Prince Arthur of Connaught and Strathean, a grandson of Queen Victoria, and thus had the title of royal highness. Louise’s younger daughter Maud married Lord Carnegie in 1923, and was thereafter known as Lady Carnegie, rather than Princess, for most purposes. Maud’s son was James Carnegie, who inherited the title of Duke of Fife as well as Earl of Sothesk. Louise, The Princess Royal, died at home in London in 1931.  She was buried in St. Georges Chapel, and her remains later moved to a private chapel at another of her resisdences, Mar Lodge in Braemar, Aberdeenshire.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Course Project Part 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Course Project Part 2 - Coursework Example These two ground are enough to take up this project. Depreciation is a non cash expense and it is also tax deductible. The depreciation is first reduced from the operating income to get earnings before interest and taxes. The amount of depreciation deducted is then added back in the cash flow statements to get the operating cash flows. We know that the net present value is determined by the cash flows expected from the project therefore; this non cash expense eventually increases the cash flows of the project. Ultimately, the net present value of the cash flows will increase which is beneficial for the company. In addition to the above, a company which opts for straight line depreciation method will have equal positive cash flows every year. For example: Depreciation of $100,000 per year, with an income tax of 35%, saves $35,000 of taxes each year and that amount is accounted as a positive cash flow. This amount is also known as the depreciation tax shield. Sunk Cost is a sum of money which has already been spent and it is not recoverable. It is essential to understand because many people feel intuitively that if an investment is made then it is essential to get a return on it. This will lead to rejection of one course of action which favors the other one to actually generate smaller cash flows. One needs to understand that sunk costs are irrelevant to financial decisions. Opportunity cost is a profit that is forgone by not investing in a particular opportunity. This is particularly true when there are mutually exclusive projects and you have to choose the best out of two good projects. The profit forgone from not choosing the other project is your opportunity cost (Shim & Siegel, 2008). Erosion is the slow but sure redirection of funds from profitable sections or projects within a business to new project and areas. It is considered to be an investment in the long, money flowing in new
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